Scientists created a substance stronger than diamond!

Diamonds are among the hardest naturally occurring substances in the world. However, as a result of recent studies, the situation is no longer as we thought. According to research, scientists may have discovered a substance stronger than diamond. Here are the details!

Scientists created organic semiconductor carbon nitride!

One of the hardest naturally occurring substances on Earth diamonds. But scientists took things further. According to the latest studies, scientists have discovered a diamond that is as strong as diamond or even stronger. article created.

Scientists created a substance stronger than diamond!

As a result of this research, this article spacecraft And automobiles It is stated that it will make it stronger. The research team consists of many members from Europe, Russia and North America. The team discovered a harder organic semiconductor than cubic boron nitride, a crystalline material second only to diamond in hardness. carbon nitride created.

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This type of hard material has a variety of uses. On the other hand, the possibility of similar carbon nitrides was first seen in the 1980s. But they have failed in their efforts so far. So, how did they create this substance?

Researchers describe carbon nitride as similar to how diamonds form. intense pressure used. Also in the same order to high temperature They synthesized it by exposure. Scientists stated that the use of this ultra-strong substance will spread to many areas. For example, they said it could be used as a protector on spacecraft or in automobile production.

Scientists created a substance stronger than diamond! Scientists created a substance stronger than diamond!

Diamonds are used in many areas, from drill bits to jewelry. However, it is not possible to see the new substance in jewelry. instead of this drill bits in mining solar panels protect from stormy weather It covers a wide range of areas, including the materials used for it.

So, what do you think about the new substance that can replace diamond? Don’t forget to share your opinions with us in the comments section!

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