Russia’s war against Ukraine – all developments

Well over 100,000 war refugees from Ukraine have found regular work since their arrival in Germany. In August, according to extrapolated data, 109,000 Ukrainians were employed subject to social security contributions, as a spokeswoman for the Federal Employment Agency said on request. Many more are currently busy learning German: in October, 96,000 attended integration courses.

As of October 13, a total of 609,000 Ukrainian citizens were registered with the Federal Agency, including 204,000 children. The figures are not exactly comparable, as there are no data on employment for October, but a rough estimate could mean that more than a quarter of working-age refugees from Ukraine have found a regular job.

In a non-representative survey conducted by the Munich Ifo Institute among almost 1,500 Ukrainians who fled, a fifth said that they had found a job. Over half said they were better qualified than their job required. “The willingness to work among Ukrainian refugees is very high,” commented Ifo researcher Tetyana Panchenko.

According to the Ifo, the majority of those surveyed want to stay in Germany for the next two years. A good third wanted to return to Ukraine.

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