Robots: “We Can Rule The World Better Than Humans”

At a United Nations panel where artificial intelligence-supported robots came together, extremely surprising statements came. He stated that robots can manage the world better than humans, and that people should be more careful while developing artificial intelligence.

Although studies on artificial intelligence have focused more on chatbots, especially after ChatGPT, artificial intelligence-supported humanoid robots continue to be developed. In fact, the humanoid robot named Sofia made history as the world’s first robot with citizenship.

3000 experts came together at the panel. The aim was to create solutions to issues that concern the whole world, such as climate change, hunger and social security, by utilizing the power of artificial intelligence.

Some of the most advanced robots took part in the United Nations’ panel for the benefit of the world, and surprising dialogue took place.

Nine robots participating in the ‘AI for Good 2023′ global summit appeared before the press and answered journalists’ questions on topics such as collaborating with humans for a better future. The world’s most advanced artificial intelligence supported robots as well as various speakers attended the summit held in Geneva between 4-7 July, hosted by the United Nations’ technology agency, the International Telecommunication Union. the UN that ‘first robot press conference’ named it.

Before the meeting begins, an AI-powered robot the sentence he used scanning the room noted that: “What a quiet tension…” In addition, robots can operate with higher levels of efficiency and effectiveness than human leaders. potential to lead They claimed they had. In addition, they admitted that they do not yet grasp humanoid emotions and pointed out the advantage of this in being a good leader:

“We don’t have the same biases or emotions that can sometimes cloud decision making. Artificial intelligence, while providing unbiased data people; can engage emotional intelligence and creativity to make the best decisions. That way, we can do great things together.”

Robots were also asked if we could trust them; The response was again interesting.

artificial intelligence

Robot said that while we are excited about the potential of artificial intelligence technologies to improve our lives, we should also be careful. On top of that, the press whether we can trust ‘machines’ robot when asked: “Trust is not given, it is earned… It is important to build trust through transparency.” said.

In addition, issues such as artificial intelligence can do better works than artists and that it is on the verge of prolonging human life were also discussed at the meeting.

artificial intelligence robot

Aidan Meller, the creator of the artificial intelligence tool called Ai-Da, said that artificial intelligence works together with biotechnology and Extending until age 15-180 He said they were on the verge. Moreover, he added that as these tools develop, art and artist may no longer matter. According to Meller, when it comes to any skill computers will be able to do this better than humans.

You can find some of the dialogues that took place in the panel in the video below.


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