Robot Guide Dog RoboGuide Introduced

A robot guide dog called Roboguide is ready to come to the aid of visually impaired people.

One of the first topics discussed when artificial intelligence and robots emerged “Will machines replace humans?” It was the subject of It seems that not only humans but even dogs may have their jobs taken away from them by machines. introduced in Scotland guide robot dog is an example of this situation.

This quadruped named Roboguide robotcurrently a prototype in case. The team that developed the prototype explains that their goal is to put the robot dog into mass production so that it can help people with vision loss or partial vision around the world.

An important problem of robot guides is solved with this robot dog

roboguideIn fact, it solves some very important problems of the robot guides we have seen in the past. One of the researchers, Dr. “The problem with the current four-legged, two-legged and wheeled robot is that the technologies that enable them to find their way limit their ability to assist the visually impaired,” Olaoluwa Popoola said. says.

Dr. Popoola, your robot guides They use GPS He had difficulty in closed spaces, camera He also states that the robots that use it have limited vision. Their prototypes use many sensors together to identify objects around them.

With the special software developed, the robot dog can move between various points. optimal way It can find and keep a record of the obstacles it encounters. This robot dog can also follow its owner’s commands. The polished guide understands the commands with the help of large language models and can even answer the questions asked.

New robot dog in Scotland’s oldest museum At the Hunterian Museum was exhibited and successfully showed the participants around the museum.

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