Remarkable Detail on Ethereum Roadmap!

Updated with “The Scourge” stage with explanation by Vitalik Buterin Ethereum roadmap is detailed. The new roadmap focuses on anti-censorship and quantum evidence.

Vitalik Buterin shared an updated Ethereum roadmap on Saturday. Merge completed successfully. The next stages, Surge, Scourge, Verge, Purge and Splurge, are included in the roadmap.

Among the big changes, The Verge will be about “validation”, not just “verkle trees”. The new phase “The Scourge”, which ensures reliable, fair and impartial transaction inclusion, will resolve MEV issues. This phase will also be critical for phase 2 Merge.

Ethereum Roadmap Now Stronger

Ethereum roadmap

Ethereum co-founder Vitalic Buterineshared an updated Ethereum roadmap on Nov. Specifically, the Ethereum roadmap now has another phase called “The Scourge” that focuses on ensuring that reliable and fair, reliably neutral transaction is included. It is also trying to resolve the centralization and censorship risks that arise after Merge as Ethereum transitions to Proof-of-Stake.

Verge will introduce “verkle trees” that store larger amounts of data in a smaller proof and allow for a smaller node size. The stage now also has a “validation” feature to make it very easy to verify blocks with SNARKs.

Also, each category has more specific milestones. As a necessary part of the “endgame” protocol, the role of quantum proofs will be clearer.

As previously reported, after 51% of Ethereum blocks comply with OFAC standards, the possibility of censorship began to be discussed. Printing of OFAC compliant blocks in the last 24 hours mevWatch reached 73% according to the data.

The aim of the “The Scourge” phase is to solve the MEV problems. Buterin even shared some suggestions like “partial block auctions” to reduce Ethereum censorship.

Buterin believes that “partial block auctions” can limit the power of builders by decentralizing block production. Also, the adoption of an uncensored MEV-Boost relay will ensure Ethereum neutrality.

You can follow the current price action here.

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