Record penalty for social media phenomenon who did not say they were advertising

A new penalty by the Advertising Board comes from the social media phenomenon’s failure to publicly state that it is advertising. Covert advertising for doing 114 thousand liras It was stated that the phenomenon name, which faced a penalty, misled consumers.

The name of the unnamed social media phenomenon, “product introduction”, faced a record penalty for a product that he portrayed as personal advice. This situation, which the Board of Advertisement called covert advertising, resulted in a fine of 114 thousand liras.

Social media fraud warning from the Ministry!

The General Directorate of Consumer Protection and Market Surveillance of the Ministry of Commerce made a new announcement about social media scams.

114 thousand lira fine for covert advertising to social media phenomenon

As you know, social media phenomena generate income from their followers thanks to their advertisements and collaborations. This relatively new revenue method was not regulated, but that changed with the Commerce Department’s announcement.

Law against social media trolls

The Ministry has prepared a new guideline based on the Law on the Protection of Consumers and stated that people who advertise on social media and have them made must comply with this guide. The promotional posts made by the social media phenomenon were deemed as hidden advertisements by the Advertisement Board, and for this reason, the phenomenon was fined 114 thousand liras.

IT Law Specialist who spoke to TRT Haber on the subject. Sertel ŞıracıHe stated that the Ministry published this guide last year and wants to protect users on social media from deceptive information.

According to Sertel Şıracı, social media phenomena should pay attention to this punishment and take it as a warning. “As a matter of fact, although the number of punishment given to us is high, it has also given the minimum punishment that it can give.” said.

“There is a regulation about depositing the payments to be deposited to influencers into a bank account and automatically withholding tax from there. After all, if you are doing a promotional ad for a consumer, you have to give the message that it is an advertisement.”

You can share your opinions about the punishment imposed on the social media phenomenon in the comments section and on the SDN Forum.

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