Reactions to the President’s Statement on the Shelter

Street animals started to be collected by the municipalities after the call of President Erdoğan, who addressed the municipalities after the recent animal attacks. Animal lovers reacted to the situation by saying #SokakHayvanlarıSahipsizDeğildir.

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, at the ‘Mayors Consultation and Evaluation Meeting’, which he attended in Ankara Kızılcahamam, recently brought up the increasing number of dog attacks and said that the place of stray animals is not on the streets, but on the streets. there are shelters He addressed the mayors.

Making such a statement after a pitbull dog attacked a 4-year-old boy living in Gaziantep a while ago, Erdoğan said: “Prevent, establish warm, safe shelters for homeless animals” had used the words. While Erdogan’s statement was welcomed by those who complained about the attacks; animal lovers are also against the explanation quite negative Reacted.

“We need to clean the streets”

In his statement “Unfortunately, we often come across sad reports in the media about the catastrophes caused by stray dogs attacking children. “ Stating that it is possible to win many hearts by establishing safe shelters and encouraging the production of animal food from food waste, Erdoğan underlined the importance of overcoming the problem of shelters together. Here is President Erdogan “We need to clean the streets” After the statement he made with his emphasis, stray dogs began to be collected by shelters in some municipalities; but if you have been to a municipality shelter once in your life, if the shelters are where the animals are taken care of to the concentration camp You are well aware of their similarities. Worse; Most of these collected animals to death You know you’re gone.

On the other hand, it is worth noting that while all the blame is being placed on stray animals due to the attacks, it is worth noting that if, as promised years ago, stray animals are under the supervision of municipalities in a controlled manner. neutered If there were any, or if the production and sale of breed animals in pet shops were stopped, none of these would be needed; because in that case, neither a human nor any other living creature would be hurt. Or at least, if the shelters had the necessary hygiene and healthy conditions, we would at least know that the animals that were thrown out for reasons such as the expensive maintenance by their owners would be safe in the shelters where they had to go. But unfortunately, the reality of animal shelters in Turkey is much more bitter than that.

Here are the reactions from the social media to President Erdogan’s statement










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