Rare Verbs in Turkish and Their Meanings

Considering that there are more than 120 thousand words in the Turkish dictionary, it is of course not possible to know all of them. Although there are certain words we use in our daily lives, our language actually has more than that. We have compiled some rarely used or even unknown words, as well as some verbs that we use in idioms but do not question what they mean.

When I see these, I say to some people, “Yes, I use them but I’m not aware of them.” As you say, some of them immediately to your vocabulary You can add it to your spoken language by adding

Those who are familiar with words have certainly heard of some of them, but we have searched the dictionary for verbs that are not widely known and look. between the lines What did we find?

He found it and he “finds it”.

Even though we use this word frequently in our daily lives, most of us would be stunned if we said it. “Be content with less” The meaning of “bunmak” is even more meaningful now.

Dilara does this job well.

“What did you say?” If you say immediately “abramak” Let’s go back to the verb. “To succeed, to accomplish a task, to overcome a task.” Our verb used in the sense of “managing the ship skillfully in stormy weather” is also preferred as “managing the ship skillfully in stormy weather”.

The smoke from the tar “wept” more and more into the clear sky.

one of the objectless verbs “to cry”, “To rise, to go up; It means “to descend”. It sounds better when used in a sentence.

When I heard the news, I came with a sigh of relief.

Although the verb “to eat” exists in the dictionary, it is not a word we encounter in daily life. “To run hastily, hastily” It is generally possible to encounter this verb meaning in old texts.

I remember just “sitting around” for about two hours, not knowing what I was doing.

Turkish verbs

The equivalent of the expression “to suffer from great sadness or pain” “to bow down” The word has four other similar meanings. Those who read İskender Pala’s novel A Yunus Novel will remember this verb.

A person feels that his soul is “tested”.

When you look at the sentence, you can more or less understand what is meant, but you may not recognize the verb “to test” when you see it alone. “Breaking, disintegrating, deteriorating and to be defeated, to be defeated” If you want a new verb that matches its meanings, keep this in mind.

You have played until now, you have “ironed”, but now you have “ironed”.

Serdar Ortaç and Kumar

Meaning “to be defeated in the game, to lose” “to iron”meaning “to win something by beating in the game, to forget, to swallow” “to grieve” This is the only way we could use the verb in a single sentence.

I am “hanging” on this new job.

The verb “to hang”, which the dictionary warns is wrong even while writing it, means “To benefit from something, usufructIt is included in our dictionary with the meaning of ”.

He doesn’t do any job “without getting stuck”.

How many of you say, “We use it?” We wonder what he will say. The dictionary meaning of the verb “to sting” “to grumble, to grumble”. Maybe you will use it from now on.

We passed through a stony place like a “cold” stream.

unknown words in Turkish

The verb “to cool down” in our example sentence is “to dry” Although it is used in the sense of meaning, this word also has the meaning of “to wilt by draining the water or milk”. It looks like we will continue to say drying.

The man “came out”.

Among the dead verbs, “kamakmak” has more than one meaning. “To tell someone with harsh words that you do not like his work”, “to become angry, to get angry” If you are looking for an answer to the expressions “to be offended” and “to be offended”, keep the word “to be offended” in your mind.

For the first time in his life, he was driving an oxcart and “eating” an ox.

halide and name

The word “carry” means “to take after, to take in tow” “to take with you” It is used in the sense of. We don’t know if anyone has used it after Halide Edip Adıvar.

They had “figured out” how to respond to his compliments.

Our other verb coming from the dialects is “tanlamak”, which is synonymous with the word “surprise”. us again “to be shocked” Let’s keep saying. Otherwise, we cannot explain ourselves in any other way.

Bonus: Drinking

to dry out

I wish everyone would add it to the dictionary. if he were comfortableisn’t it?

If you have words that you use frequently but are not known to everyone, we welcome your comments.

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