Questions and answers on the Hartz IV successor

money as basic security

The standard rates for the new citizens’ income should be higher than for Hartz IV.

(Photo: imago images/MiS)

Berlin As early as next year, the federal government wants to reform basic security for jobseekers. In place of Hartz IV, the new citizens’ allowance is to take the place. The draft bill by Labor Minister Hubertus Heil (SPD), which is available to the Handelsblatt, is now being coordinated by the department.

But in particular the level of the standard rates is still causing discussions in the traffic light coalition. On other points, such as dealing with the applicant’s assets or the question of whether he can stay in his apartment, there is agreement. The Handelsblatt answers the most important questions about the reform.

Will the standard rates for the new citizen income be higher than for Hartz IV?

A single recipient of unemployment benefit II, commonly known as Hartz IV, currently receives 449 euros a month. Partners in a joint household receive 404 euros, the standard rates for children are 285 to 376 euros, depending on the age group. In addition, within a certain framework, the rent and heating costs are also covered.

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