Q&A Feature Coming to YouTube Live Streams

The question-answer feature, where those who broadcast live on YouTube can see and answer the questions asked to them much more easily, was introduced today. The feature will be available to users in a few days.

The world’s largest video platform and 3rd largest music platform YouTubei is constantly doing its best to improve the platform. Officials announced last week that the features of YouTube users will come to the platform soon. they will choose had explained.

Today, a feature has been announced, which is especially relevant for those who organize events and broadcast live on YouTube. This feature will make question and answer activities much easier.

Questions will not disappear among other messages

Many companies, especially app and game developers, usually post on Reddit or YouTube.BUTIt organizes events. “Ask me Anything” meaning “Ask me anything” in these events, developers or officials answers questions about their products. The questions that are asked many times in these events, which are usually held in live broadcasts, are lost among other chat messages.

YouTube, on the other hand, introduced its new question and answer feature today, which will completely eliminate this problem. Thanks to this feature, people who broadcast live will be able to start a question and answer event whenever they want. Viewers are above the chat window. question and answer tabby clicking what you can ask questions. All questions will appear in a publisher-specific Q&A area, and publishers will be able to ask any question they want. one-click fix.


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Using the feature that will be offered to all users gradually in the coming days, the questions asked will be limited to 200 questions, and As new questions are asked, old ones will be deleted. Let’s remind.

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