PoW Supporter Justin Sun : I don’t believe Buterin said this to PoW supporters

TRON (TRX) founder Justin Sun stated that he does not believe Vitalik’s alleged statements made by Ethereum (ETH) co-founder Vitalik Buterin to Proof of Work supporters.

CryptoSlate the news site 6 August According to his news on Vitalic Buterine, South Korean Blockchain Week (KBW) Ethereum at a closed press conference during PoW separatists,Types trying to make quick money with their own exchanges” he described. Ethereum PoW supporter Justin Sun that Buterin gave these statements. don’t believe stated.

Less than 24 hours after Justin Sun listed ETHW and ETHS on the cryptocurrency exchange Poloniex, a second made a statement. Citing the news site CryptoSlate about Vitalik Buterin’s statements that he claimed were taken from a closed press conference at the South Korean Blockchain Week event, Justin said, not sure what you’re really saying stated.

Justin Sun said that in case Buterin actually used these expressions, Poloniex said, ETHW and ETHS any commission from did not receive Only public interest for that you support stated. your separation successful everyone, including Vitalik and himself. you will get ETHW in equal proportion Sun stated that the proof-of-work system will continue to be updated after the merge (Merge update). As an alternaive He said he believed he should stay.

Justin, Vitalik and the Ethereum Foundation Developing Ethereum after the Merge update lead believe it will and Poloniex as always Ethereum projects they will support Moreover personally, To the work of Vitalik and the Ethereum Foundation have great respect stated.

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