Planet Like Cotton Candy Discovered!

You might find it hard to take the news seriously when you see a headline like this, but it’s true. At a distance of 1232 light years from Earth, a gaseous planet 50% larger than Jupiter has been discovered. According to the first observations, the surface of the planet has a soft form like cotton candy.

Not all planets have a structure covered with boiling and hard crusts like the Earth we live on. Even in the Solar System, we are neighbors with a gas giant named Jupiter, which will fail this expectation. When I say gas giant, really these planets; actually took the form of a sphere, from condensed gas clouds They form, and most of the time, the planets at the center of these clouds are much smaller in size.

Here is another one of them discovered. This new planet is located 1232 light years from Earth. WASP-193b codename given. However, according to preliminary findings, this planet Although it is 50% larger than Jupiter quite light. It’s also as hard as 1% of Earth’s density. This allows scientists to comment that “it is as soft as cotton candy”.

WASP-193b is almost the same age and temperature as our star, the Sun, and very close to its own star. However, there are still many unanswered questions about it:

The star around which the planet revolves is 6 billion years old is being considered. It is thought that the gases in its atmosphere swelled and therefore its size increased due to both being very close to it and rotating at high speeds. However, scientists have not yet been able to understand the nature of WASP-193b and how it came to be in such a structure, based on the features they observed.


Thus James Webb Space TelescopeThanks to astronomers’ cutting-edge technologies, astronomers can more precisely unravel the mysteries of this newly discovered planet. Khalid Barkaoui, an academic at the University of Liege, who worked in the team that carried out the study, states that WASP-193b can provide us with important information about the evolution of planets.


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