Pfizer’s No Vaccine Tested Statement Is On The Agenda

One of Pfizer’s top executives said in a statement to the European Parliament that the company had not tested whether the vaccine could reduce contagion before it hit the market. This statement became the agenda on social media by attracting reaction from anti-vaccine opponents.

Coming into our lives in 2020 COVID-19 virusIn a short time, it took the whole world under its influence and caused millions of people to lose their lives. Many countries have also turned to restrictions due to the pandemic, allowing people to stay at home for quite a long time. The effects of the highly contagious disease have been reduced by vaccines developed by scientists.

Vaccines have divided people throughout the pandemic. Some of them oppose the vaccines developed for certain reasons and suggested that it should not be done. However, the data showed that the effects of the disease were significantly reduced thanks to the vaccine. It is now the most widely used vaccine worldwide. Pfizer/BioNTech A statement made by the US-based pharmaceutical company Pfizer, the developer of the COVID vaccine, sat on the agenda of social media.

Pfizer executive said it wasn’t known before it hit the market whether the vaccine could prevent its infectivity

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