One-Time Media Can Be Sent from WhatsApp Web

WhatsApp, which removed the one-time image sending feature from desktop versions last year, is reactivating the feature.

Competing with each other to ensure constant user satisfaction to chat applications When we look at it, we see that Telegram and WhatsApp are most commonly used. These two competed with each other not only on mobile but also on other platforms, and WhatsApp was lagging behind its rival, especially with its desktop version.

The reason for this is independent of phone As a company, we could not use the application, the application was generally cumbersome, data transfer problems and other similar problems. The company, which has recently overcome these obstacles and produced a very successful application, has enabled users to load bearing feature also made it available again.

One-time images can now be sent from a computer.

For those who are not familiar with the feature, let’s summarize it as follows: When someone sends you a one-time viewable media of WhatsApp The desktop and web versions did not allow you to view this. When you look at the message, you can open this image. you need to go mobile It was stated.

That’s why, even though you were using WhatsApp on the computer, you had to get up, turn on the phone again, and look at the image that way. Especially in cases where it is not important, this unnecessary waste of time It was causing. As you can see from the screenshot above, it will now be possible to send and view such images again.

All you have to do is activate the “1” logo to the left of the text before sending the media you want. The feature is currently WhatsAppWeb And of desktop It is distributed to users using the latest version. Of course, we should point out that macOS users will also benefit from the same update.


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