One of the Building Blocks of Life Has Been Detected on Saturn’s Moon

Hydrogen cyanide was detected on Enceladus, one of Saturn’s largest moons. This molecule, known as one of the building blocks necessary for life, means that Saturn’s moon could host life.

The US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is one of the important parts of the Solar System. Saturn He made a remarkable development regarding the Continuing its work within the scope of the space mission named Cassini, NASA made an important discovery on Enceladus, one of Saturn’s moons. This discovery led to the discovery of Enceladus potential living center It shows that it can happen.

Scientists who shared their findings with Nature Astronomy, on Enceladus hydrogen cyanide They detected the presence. The presence of hydrogen cyanide, known as an important molecule for the detection of life and potential life, on Enceladus indicates that this satellite its importance increased more than ever before.

Questions about the basis of life can be answered

*An image of Enceladus taken by the Cassini mission.

He is the head of the team that conducted research on Enceladus. JonahPeterin his statement on the subject “The discovery of hydrogen cyanide is particularly exciting. Because this discovery disproves most of the theories regarding the origin of life. beginning point.” he said. In other words, Enceladus may help understand how life formed in the coming period.


You will be surprised when you read this information about the star Sirius, which even increased the productivity of agriculture in ancient times.

Enceladus has glaciers in its outer layer and huge rocks in the lower layer of these glaciers. home to oceans a satellite. During the Cassini era, it had already been detected that water vapor explosions were occurring from the ice layer of this satellite. New research shows that these explosions much more than expected revealed that it was. The presence of carbon dioxide, methane and hydrogen in the gas clouds created by explosions led scientists to greater curiosity.


If the carbon dioxide, methane and hydrogen found on Enceladus are produced by methane, which is also important for the formation of the Earth, methanogenesis If it did, much more important findings could be obtained this time. According to the statement of Kevin Hand, one of the leading figures in the research, Enceladus is ready for its own life. chemical energy It may provide. The scientist compared this situation to the battery of electric cars.

Remember this; Latest research suggests there is life on Enceladus not coming. However, there may be life on this satellite, even on a molecular basis. Scientists find suitable chemical reactions create suitable habitats on Enceladus that you can create they believe.

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