Old iOS and Android apps are at great risk!

According to a new study now Apple App Store and Google Play StoreThere are more legacy apps than current apps in . Analysis firm Pixalate, in the report it prepared, App Storein both Play StoreIn , it identified apps that it considered abandoned that hadn’t received updates for two years or more.

The analysis firm examined more than five million apps More than 1.5 million now didn’t get any updates revealed. Emphasizing that both application stores are full of abandoned applications, Pixalate is the only one that has received updates in the last six months. 1.3 million apps states that it is.

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Old apps are a big risk for users!

Research by Pixalate has many users abandoned apps reveals that he may be at risk because of it. Although legacy applications pose a significant security risk to users, both appleof both Google has taken various measures in this regard. Both companies remove applications that do not receive updates from their stores under certain conditions.

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App Store Updating its policy, Apple will classify apps that haven’t been updated for three years as abandoned and remove them from its store. iPhone The manufacturer will also not include applications that cannot reach a certain number of downloads in its store.

When Apple marks an app as “obsolete,” it allows developers to make changes before that app is removed from the App Store. 90 days it will be. However, even if the apps are deleted from the store, they will continue to be on users’ devices. Such legacy applications will always continue to pose a risk to the user.

following a similar policy. Google announced in April that it will begin removing legacy Android apps by the end of this year. The company, which will hide the application pages, has also recently apps that haven’t been updated It will also prevent loading.

Companies legacy apps Even though you are taking various precautions in this way, the applications on your phone that are no longer updated are for you and your phone. security risks can create. It will be the most effective method not to host these applications on your devices.

So, you iOS and Android What do you think about apps on devices that do not receive updates? Give your feedback in the comments section or SDN ForumYou can share it with us.

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