Ocean Life on the Verge of Mass Extinction

The unfounded belief that humanity can get whatever it wants from nature and there will be no return for it has brought ocean life to the brink of extinction. Experts report that the oceans have never been in this worse shape since the disaster that wiped out the dinosaurs.

Again, we humans suffer the most for believing that they can exploit nature as they wish, for the sake of people’s interests, without considering the consequences. However, despite knowing what needs to be done to prevent the destruction of nature, unless these are sufficiently implemented. Nothing changed. And that’s why the world, unfortunately, a little more each day. to disappear inevitably drifting towards the brink.

Oceans, which make up 75 percent of our planet, now, before, according to a new study more worrying than ever is in a situation. In fact, the situation is so dire that researchers have predicted that ocean life has never been better since the meteor disaster that wiped out the dinosaurs 66 million years ago. not under threat states.

Mass extinction knocks on ocean life

Experts from Princeton University behind the study said in a press release that if current carbon emission levels are not brought under control, in the tropics biodiversity loss and that marine life in the polar regions can occur in overheated water due to depletion of oxygen and food. ‘cooking’ indicates that it could be driven into mass extinction.

Regarding the subject, researchers “As greenhouse gas emissions continue to warm the world’s oceans, biodiversity in the seas has increased since the extinction of the dinosaurs over the next few centuries. to unprecedented levels it may be on its way to stroke” saves as.

Justin Penn, one of the authors of the study,“Overheating is a global warming that, by the end of the century, will compete with the combination of all existing human stressors. climate-related extinctions. will lead to He emphasizes the importance of the situation with his words.

It’s up to us to prevent dreadful extinction scenarios.

ocean life

The results obtained in the research are extremely into a dark future pointing out; but that doesn’t mean there is nothing we can do and all hope is gone. According to the researchers, we still have enough time to avoid the worst extinction scenarios.

that the future has not yet been ‘written’ and that changing destiny possible stating that Penn “To change the trajectory of CO2 (carbon dioxide) emissions and to prevent the warming that will cause this mass extinction. avoid the size There is still enough time for that.” expresses as.


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We may not be moving fast enough; however, the increasing interest in clean energy alternatives provides hope, albeit a small one. We hope that we will learn to take responsibility without having to come to that dark spot where we will see whether the results of this research are correct and how we have made our planet this way, ‘cooperation’ We can save it again. Remember, at least for now as far as we know there is no other world and unless an extraterrestrial nation decides to intervene, we are still our best chance at salvation.

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