Obscene Notices Sent to iPhone Users

The famous business magazine Fast Company was hacked. Hackers infiltrating the systems sent 2 notifications through the company’s Apple News stream. These notifications contained obscene and racist statements.

US-based technology giant Apple’s iOS 9 is available with “Apple NewsThe news feed system named ” was instrumental in causing a major scandal. Hackers, who carried out a cyber attack on the US-based business magazine Fast Company, sent two notifications to users via Apple News after taking over the system. obscene and racist statements place was given.

Fast Company realized that the notifications were hacked and took action. Company officials, who made a statement on the official Twitter account, stated that the notifications sent were disgusting and contrary to Fast Company’s values. In addition, fastcompany.com, the official website of the magazine, said about the attack. it is closed. During our checks, we see that the journal’s website for Turkey can be accessed, but the original website cannot be accessed.

The statement came from Apple News

There were also some statements from Apple News on the hacking of Fast Company. In the statement, the notifications sent to users “incredibly offensiveApple News officials also announced that they stopped receiving streams from Fast Company.

Here’s what Apple News explained:

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