Nvidia in trouble: Hackers announced two big wishes!

Nvidia, which has become the target of hackers in the past days, has officially admitted that it has been hacked. About the company Thieves stealing 1TB of datagave one of the most extraordinary ultimatums in the history of cybercrime to prevent data from being made public: Don’t interfere with cryptocurrency mining!

To herself Lapsus$ A ransomware group named after Nvidia stated that the data it obtained from Nvidia included schematics and source codes, in addition to driver and firmware software. In addition, usernames, cryptographic hashes and many more data belonging to 71335 employees are in the hands of this group.

Nvidia hacked: That information was officially leaked!

US-based hardware manufacturer Nvidia recently announced that it was hacked. Here are the details…

Lapsus: Nvidia will remove LHR, open source drivers

The Lapsus$ group has explained what it wants from Nvidia so that this data is not shared publicly: removing the LHR, or Lite Hash Rate restriction. Nowadays, graphics cards cannot be found due to these crypto currency miners. A measure taken by Nvidia against mining.

Nvidia announced the LHR while introducing the GeForce RTX 3060 models in February 2021. Three months later, it brought LHR to GeForce RTX 3080, 3070 and 3060 Ti graphics cards. LHR means ‘Lite Hash Rate‘ severely reduces the digging performance of the graphics card. Although this limit can be exceeded to a large extent with recent software, non-LHR graphics cards are much more valuable in the mining market.

Group members said in a statement, Not removing LHR on 3000 series graphics cards announced that they will publish the huge folder with information about the hardware publicly.

In addition, Nvidia is demanding that its graphics card drivers be fully open sourced. If this request is not accepted, all of the company’s work for new graphics cards will be published. In this regard, the company was threatened as follows;

If you do not open source the drivers; We will publish all silicon chip files so that everyone knows not only your herd’s secrets, but also your most tightly guarded trade secrets for graphics and computer chipsets.

Nvidia officials are currently refraining from sharing information on how they will respond to these requests.

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