Now the Panic of the ‘Shinbone Fly’ Has Started in Istanbul

Experts warned the residents of Istanbul about the increase in hemlock flies due to climate change and overpopulation. It was stated that flies are risky for public health as they can cause various diseases.

An explanation came from the experts about the flies that increase with the summer months in Istanbul. extreme heat, climate change and dense population As a result, it was stated that the increasing flies are risky for public health. Talking about the ‘stomoxy’ species, which is a new species in Istanbul, especially known as hemlock, experts warned the public about this species.

In the news of İsmail Sarı from Hürriyet, why these flies are increasing, why is it risky and what precautions should be taken.

Increasing temperatures and summer rains increase the number of flies:

Explaining why the number of flies and insects has increased, Istanbul University Faculty of Science Department of Biology Zoology Faculty Member Dr. Fatih Dikmen, subject ”It is not surprising that we see a lot of insects around us after periods of increased temperatures and occasional rains. The rainy seasons we have experienced in recent years and the hot periods that follow offer a living environment where insects and therefore flies can multiply. If because of climate change if the winter or autumn season fades or if it is warm, the flies will be permanent.” he sums up.

The increase in the human population triggers the increase of flies:


Speaking about the growing fly problem in Istanbul, Dr. Fatih Dikmen, “In particular, houseflies and mosquitoes are the insects that are most in contact with humans. When there are too many people to feed, mosquitoes and houseflies can easily continue their lives by sucking blood. In other words, another factor increasing mosquito and housefly numbers is human activity. Dense population of Istanbul unfortunately it affects the reproduction of flies” he said, pointing to the dense population.

Dikmen also has a growing interest in Istanbul. He also gave information about the stomoxy species. Regarding this species mixed with houseflies, Dikmen said:Houseflies prefer litter and waste, while hemlocks shows blood-sucking behavior and for this reason, it can sting and hurt when put on human skin. This causes us to make sentences such as ‘The housefly bit it’. Actually, it’s more of a hemlock fly than a housefly. These flies can also carry various microbes in their bodies. Houseflies take microbes from the places where they land on the surface of their bodies and carry them into the living space of people. Mosquitoes and hemlock flies are It takes germs through the blood and transmits them in the same way. Because of all these, they are among the risky creatures in terms of public health.” he said.

The number of hospital admissions due to mosquito bites has increased:

fly bite

Dikmen also stated that there has been an increase in the number of hospital admissions in Istanbul recently due to fly bites.Mosquitoes can cause very famous diseases such as dengue fever, Zika, West Nile virus, yellow fever and malaria with the viruses they carry. In addition, they can infect various viruses that cause elephantiasis by blocking lymph channels. Hemlockflies also have trypanosomiasis. causing the disease known as sleeping sickness has the potential to transmit single-celled viruses to humans.‘ he said.

Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty Hospital Chief Physician and dermatology and venereal diseases specialist Assoc. Dr. Zekayi Kutlubay made a statement about sleeping sickness and its risks.‘The hemlock flies are a carrier for many microbes that live on the skin and blood of farm animals and sometimes humans. One of the parasites it carries is the parasite that causes sleeping sickness. This parasite is carried all over the world by flies. in sleeping sickness The bite of the fly is usually painful and may develop into red sores called ‘chancre’. High fever, severe headache, irritability, severe fatigue, swollen lymph nodes, painful muscles and jointsare among the common symptoms of sleeping sickness. In addition, some people may experience extreme redness of their skin.” he said.

fly bite


Why do flies constantly rub their hands as if they are plotting diabolical plans?

Kutluay is also people with allergic diseases more affected and serious reactions occur; That’s why he said they should be more careful.

At the point of how to deal with the problem, it is necessary to remove the garbage from the houses by closing the mouth and throwing it into the garbage containers in that way, attaching mosquito nets to the windows, applying scents such as lavender that repel flies, and in front of the windows and in the houses. herbs such as basil and mint recommendations were made.

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