News from Binance to Delight Small Investors: Launches Options Platform

Binance, the world’s highest-volume cryptocurrency exchange, announced that it will launch a new trading platform where investors can take positions with much lower capital.

Binance September 9 In the announcement made on its official website on with lower capital announced that it will launch its options platform, where it can take positions equivalent to spot or futures positions. Platform September 13 will be made available on.

In the Binance post, on the options platform 0.02% transaction fee and 0.015% on other option platforms in the market with a usage fee much lower on commission to high liquidity it says you can access it.

Your options USDT Stating that it will be priced as a possible Ethereum, Binance fork in strike prices of Ethereum options change won’t do reported. In the post, Ethereum options listed before or after the Merge update standard conciliation procedure will follow and Ethereum’s PoS version USDT value will be based information was included.

In the announcement made by Binance, options are available to investors. right to buy and sell with much lower capitals due to the recognition for a low premium It is stated that positions equivalent to the positions taken in the spot or futures markets can be taken. In addition, thanks to these features, it is an excellent choice of options. position strengthening and portfolio diversification tool it is said to be.

You can become a member here to trade at 20% discount on Binance.

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