New World Characters and Features

New World, which made its debut recently, continues to wreak havoc on the market, even though it has technical difficulties. New World, which is experiencing a regular increase in players and probably experiencing the biggest problem they experience, seems to continue to increase its players day by day.

Although the producer team tries to keep things under control with the new servers they open and regular maintenance on these servers, we can’t say that the problems have been solved yet. In a different article, we talked about how New World’s will works. This time, we will talk about the characters and their characteristics.

New World Characters and Features

First of all, we should mention that since the game is a game in the MMORPG class, no one’s character is superior to anyone else’s. Therefore, the strength of our characters completely depends on our level and how we spend the points we earn while increasing this level. The maximum level in the game is 60 for now and will probably stay that way for a while. While reaching level 60 isn’t that hard, it’s also not that easy. Depending on how intensely you play the game, you can be 60 in a week or in a month.

Every time we level up until we reach level 60, we earn 3 points that we can use. We distribute these earned points among the Strength (STR), Dexterity (DEX), Intelligence (INT), Focus (FOC) and Constitution (CON) features according to the weapon we want to play and our gameplay style. Each feature has an effect on a different weapon, so it would make more sense to allocate our points towards the weapon we want to focus on. While distributing our points, while spending points on a feature, you will have the chance to actively use threshold bonuses when that feature reaches a certain level. What do these features do in general? If you ask, let’s explain it this way:

strength (STR)

What does Strengh do?

Strength is the main feature of especially heavy melee weapons. Heavy weapons such as War hammer take all of its damage and intensity from Strength, but lighter weapons such as Sword use Strength as the main attribute, but can also use Dexterity as a sub-attribute.

  • Great Ax (Strength only)
  • War Hammer (Strength only)
  • Hatchet (Strength and Dexterity)
  • Sword (Strength and Dexterity)
  • Spear (Dexterity and Strength)

Threshold bonuses:

  • 50: +15% melee light attack damage, +10% mine speed
  • one hundred: +25% melee heavy attack damage, +20 inventory weight
  • 150: +50% Stamina (stamina) damage on light and heavy attacks of melee weapons, -10% reduction in material gained from the mine.
  • 200: +20% damage bonus to stunned, slowed or rooted enemies, +10% mine speed.
  • 250: Stamina continues to regenerate when attacking light or heavy with melee weapons, +10% efficiency increase when mining.
  • 300: Light and heavy attacks with melee weapons become invulnerable to enemies, 25% chance to break the mine in one hit.

Dexterity (DEX)

What does Dexterity do?

Although Dexterity makes its weight on ranged weapons such as Bow and Musket, Rapier also gets all its intensity from Dexterity. Other melee weapons can also gain stats from Dexterity, but not as much as they gain from Strength.

  • bow (Dexterity only)
  • musket (Dexterity and Intelligence)
  • rapier (Dexterity and Intelligence)
  • Spear (Dexterity and Strength)
  • Hatchet (Strength and Dexterity)
  • Sword (Strength and Dexterity)

Threshold bonuses:

  • 50: +10% chance to hit critical damage, +10% leathering speed.
  • one hundred: +5% penetration damage, +20% acceleration after leathering.
  • 150: Evasion costs 10 less stamina, -10% of material weight gained from leathering.
  • 200: Hitting from behind and hitting in the head deals +20% more damage, +10% leathering speed.
  • 250: +30% critical strike damage to stunned, slowed, or rooted enemies.
  • 300: +15% chance to recover the projectile, somersault to dodge guarantees the next hit to critically hit.

Intelligence (INT)

What does intelligence do?

Intelligence channels all of its attributes to enchanted weapons, including any enchantments/perks your weapons may have. Purely magical weapons such as the Fire Staff or physical weapons with a magical perk (such as a fire sword) are empowered based on Intelligence.

  • Fire Staff (Intelligence only)
  • Ice Gauntlet (Intelligence only)
  • rapier (Dexterity and Intelligence)
  • musket (Dexterity and Intelligence)

Threshold bonuses:

  • 50: +10% magical light and heavy attack, +10% harvest speed
  • one hundred: +20% critical strike damage, 5% chance to get azoth while harvesting
  • 150: +20% elemental damage, -10% weight gain from harvest
  • 200: +10 mana/energy gain after dodge, +10% harvest speed
  • 250: +30% increase the duration of permanent damaging spells, +10% efficiency increase during harvest
  • 300: +30% first damage hit on a full health target, -10% azoth cost when using fast travel.

Focus (FOC)

What does focus do?

Focus increases the mana/energy regen rate and the power of the healing you can do, and is also the only feature that supports the power of the Life Staff. That’s why it’s a feature that Life Staff players should concentrate on in the game for now. Although Focus is a feature only available for Life Staff, this may change with new weapons.

Threshold bonuses:

  • 50: +10% mana/energy regen rate, +10% fishing rod voltage
  • one hundred: +20 max mana, +10% efficiency when salvaging
  • 150: Healing rate +20%, material gained from fishing -10%
  • 200: Used buff/healing etc. +20% duration on abilities, +10% fishing tension
  • 250: +30 mana gain on solo or group kills, +10% increase in fish size caught
  • 300: 200% mana regen for 10 seconds when your mana drops to zero (60 second cooldown), -10% cooldown for Fast Travel to the han

Constitution (CON)

What does the Constitution do?

Constitution, the trait that generally determines the amount of health he has. The higher your Constitution trait, the more life pools you have. While this doesn’t get much attention in the early game, you’ll definitely notice the difference as your level progresses and enemies start to get stronger.

But that doesn’t mean you just press your points into the Constitution feature. Because the more points you give, the lower your return will be. A feature that is 25 HP per point when you first start giving will gradually decrease to 21. Therefore, although the total amount of HP you can get is low, it will be comforting to spend some points if you deem it necessary in the early stages.

Threshold bonuses:

  • 50: All consumables you can use to increase your health become +20% more efficient, +10% lumberjack speed
  • one hundred: Increases your max health by 10% of your physical armor, 10% reduction in tool durability loss
  • 150: 20% reduction in critical strike damage taken, material weight gained from logging -10%
  • 200: +20% armor increase, +10% lumberjack speed
  • 250: 80% damage reduction at full health, +10% efficiency increase when lumbering
  • 300: Increases the effect of stun, slow and root abilities by +30%, 25% chance to slash a tree in one hit

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