New Information on How Maternal Smell Affects Babies

A new study published in Science Advances has revealed how ‘mother’s scent’ can help babies bond with strangers. Experts have discovered that babies are more comfortable around strangers wearing clothes that have a ‘mother scent’.

Many parents mom and baby He knows how strong the bond between them is. Babies are generally so attached to their mothers that they immediately start crying when their mother leaves them. This makes the job of many mothers significantly more difficult. A new study has revealed how this strong bond between mother and baby can be loosened.

According to the study published yesterday in the academic journal Sciences Advances, this bond between mother and babyan outfit worn‘ can be loosened. According to experts, these clothes, which contain chemical signals in the ‘unique’ scent of mothers, can help babies feel comfortable and bond with strangers.

Worn clothes help babies bond

Scientists conducted a series of experiments to achieve these results. In the study, infants were an old t-shirt She was left alone with a stranger wearing a dress, meaning she was exposed to their mother’s scent through a stranger. As a result of the examinations, it was found that the babies were more likely to be compared to the stranger who had a mother’s scent compared to the stranger who wore a clean t-shirt. able to bond more easily observed.

Ruth Feldman, a social neuroscientist at Reisman University in Israel, also said about her work:Working is very exciting. The results show that we can delegate ‘parenting’ to other people.” using the expressions of an adult wearing a mother-scented outfit, infants in social and emotional development stressed that it could play an important role. In addition, Feldman thinks body odor can help us connect with others by connecting and communicating with them:From an evolutionary perspective, one of the biggest reasons Homo Sapien survived and thrived was ‘Contact’ is our capacity”

“More research like this is needed”

baby and mom

There is little research so far on social odors, as they are complex and difficult to study in the lab, according to scientists. Neuroscientist Eva Mishor of the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel also states that body odor is not a single odor and consists of chemical signals, so there has been very little research on this condition so far:Such odors affect our mental state, brain activity, and social interactions without us even realizing it. The sense of smell affects the decisions we make in life (such as choosing what to eat). very big role. These unconscious decisions also lead to less study of social odors.”

According to scientists, this research, which examines the relationship between mother and baby, is of great importance for the reasons stated. Experts say that the smell of mother 5-10 months old your babies brain activities He states that it affects the child’s social development seriously and that it is very important for another adult to help the child’s social development.

For this reason, it was observed in the research how the smell of the mother affects brain activities. In a study conducted on 62 women, Feldman and his colleagues found that clothing containing mother’s scent did not affect the relationship between mother and baby.neural synchronizationHow it affects the process. As a result of the analyzes, when the infants encounter the mother’s scent, their brain activities increase and neural synchronization increases. higher turned out to be. The opposite was true for babies who encountered strangers wearing clean T-shirts.


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Experts think that this research can be very useful for parents and can make important contributions to the social development of babies. In addition, it is underlined that such studies on the sense of smell should increase.

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