New features and interface design for WhatsApp Web

WhatsApp Web version for a new beta update appeared. This is the new beta update 2.2144.2 has the version code. not long ago WhatsApp desktop version offline use feature has been activated. Now, WhatsApp is a mobile version for the web version. interface design in pursuit.

New information about WhatsApp’s ‘Communities’ feature has emerged!

WhatsApp is developing a feature called ‘Communities’. There are new developments regarding the feature that have appeared in the past weeks.

WhatsApp Web new interface and new features

WhatsApp Webcontinues to take on some of the most important features of Telegram, one of its biggest rivals. The messaging application, which previously allowed the application to be opened on multiple devices, now comes with a similar design with a mobile interface. As you know, Telegram uses a similar interface with the mobile application in this sense.

WhatsApp Web version 2.2144.2 introduces a new interface design with beta update

WhatsApp desktop version Multi-device support has also recently arrived. After this support, options such as turning off desktop calls and setting incoming call ringtones have emerged over the web version. This is new WhatsApp Web update It will be possible to add your personal information to your profile.

before too WhatsApp business accounts began to appear in the Android and iOS application. Now, your account is also in WhatsApp Web version. business account is stated to be. Business users will be able to add information such as website information, opening and closing time to the profile in the desktop version as well as in the mobile version.

like this WhatsApp Web version interface design and will further reduce the differences with the mobile version in terms of user focus.

What is WhatsApp desktop version?

As the name suggests, you can move the WhatsApp application to your computer. WhatsApp Web You can reply to messages from your computer.

WhatsApp Web There are two options for those who want to use it. One of them is to open WhatsApp Web version on any internet browser. Another way is b app WhatsApp Webto download it to the computer and make it work independently from the browser.

How to use WhatsApp Web without internet?

  • After opening the browser You can reach the relevant page by typing.
  • On your smartphone after the page is opened WhatsApp app open and Settings enter section.
  • In the settings section WhatsApp Web / Desktop You will see the option. After clicking it, simply scan the barcode on the screen.

Now WhatsApp WebYou can use it even if your phone is not connected to the internet.

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