New Detailed Blog Post for Ethereum From Vitalik Buterin!

Ethereum (ETH) co-founder Vitalik Buterin examined possible solutions to the problems that may arise with the increase in layer-2 (L2) adoption.

In a recent blog post, Vitalik Buterin shared his roadmap earlier this month on what it takes for Ethereum not to fail. “scaling” detailed part. In the post where he shared his thoughts on the future success of Ethereum, Buterin made many points and increasing layer-2 mentioned the technical difficulties that the demand may bring. Ethereum With increasing layer-2 adoption interacting between layers looking for a more practical way Buterin discussed various solution proposals.

Especially Arbitrum (ARB) And Optimism (OP) operating on Ethereum layer-2 increased adoption of projects It is one of the main reasons for the problem brought up by Buterin.

Especially layer-1from layer-2′transactions made to or vice versa how to facilitate the founding founder, Merkle proofs, ZK-SNARK And “Verkle TressHe put methods such as ” on the table.

Transfers between layers of these groundbreaking components in the Ethereum algorithm more effective And can make it safe Emphasizing that, Buterin also diversified his thought experiment with examples from the fields of application.

In particular, the so-called Merkle proof layer-1 and layer-2 between data readings Buterin underlined that a single solution would not be sufficient for the functioning of the entire network.

In his article, how wallets work between tiers And Storing on layers while also addressing the two different methods suggested.

light version”, each wallet stores the authentication key locally and the current state of the keystore cross-chain proof He argued that it should be updated. “heavy version“flour is for each process. Cross chain evidence will make keystore updates cheaper by requiring per-transaction fees will increase. Wrote.

According to Buterin each technique has its own challenges and limitations Decisions about which techniques to use may vary depending on the needs and constraints of a particular application.

To put it briefly layer-2refers to a set of solutions used to increase the scalability and speed of blockchain technology. Tier 2 solutions aim to reduce transactions that happen directly on Tier 1. This method isIncreases transaction speed and lowers transaction fees.

In a blog post on June 9, Vitalik Buterin shared his roadmap on three key factors for Ethereum not to fail.

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