Netflix Kids Programs Will Be Ad-Free

Users who will use the advertising subscription plan announced by Netflix, which is no longer famous with the recent attacks of Disney Plus, and which many people do not like, will not see ads in a category.

Netflix seems to insist on this path, although it has received reactions from its followers by announcing its advertising subscription projects. However, they drew a red line for themselves and Only one category of Netflix will be ad-free.

As you know, there are also children’s programs on Netflix, which are not very popular due to YouTube Kids. According to Netflix, users who are members of the advertising subscription program will not see ads when they open one of the children’s programs.

No ads will be shown on Netflix original children’s shows

Netflix at a meeting with its partners during original production children’s programs He stated that he would not advertise. The information that Netflix said this, however, has not yet been fully confirmed by the company, and according to Bloomberg, this information from people who don’t want their name to be published came.

By the way, some studios that probably license the rights to children’s programs to Netflix do not allow the company to advertise on these programs anyway. An anonymous company spokesperson said Netflix that original children’s productions should remain ad-free, at least at first. He stated that he had made a decision and that they hoped this would alleviate the concerns of the filmmakers.


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Netflix’s advertising subscription plans are not yet complete. What are you thinking? Please do not forget to share your thoughts with us in the comments.

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