NASA Discovered a New Super-Earth

A super-Earth, approximately 1.5 times the size of the Earth, 137 light-years away, and located in a region that could host life, has been discovered.

Humanity’s efforts to explore the endless void of space continue. In these efforts, some Earth-like but larger planets are sometimes encountered. To these planets “super world” It is said. NASA recently discovered a new one of these planets. 137 billion light years This planet is located in the habitable zone.

It is located in an area where liquid water can be found

Star systems, such as the solar system, have a habitable zone called the Goldilocks. This region contains liquid water. determined based on availability. TOI-715b This super-Earth, called Earth, is located in this region around its own star. In a statement from NASA, atmosphere It was stated that liquid water could be found on the planet if other factors, especially water, are suitable.

Our planet is about 1.5 times larger One year of this planet is quite short, it only completes one revolution around its own star. in 19 days It completes the orbit and has a very close orbit to its star. Under normal circumstances, a planet this close and fast to its planetclike hell” is expected. However, TOI-715b’s star is a red dwarf, and these stars are smaller and emit less heat than medium-sized stars like the Sun.

The results of the research, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyIt was published in . The observation of this celestial body, which is so often shadowed by its own star, is considered a significant achievement.


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