Mysterious ‘Fossil Formations’ Discovered in Milky Way Galaxy

The European Space Agency has discovered a strange formation in the outstretched arms of our galaxy. The European Space Agency, which made this discovery thanks to the Gaia space observatory located in Earth orbit, calls the structures they discovered ‘fossil formations’.

Modern space exploration has witnessed great developments since its inception. Scientists, who provide more information about the universe we live in every year, discovered a ‘feather-like’ gas structure that connects the Milky Way Galaxy about three weeks ago. Another new finding about the galaxy we live in came from the European Space Agency today.

The European Space Agency launched it into orbit in 2013. ‘gaia’ Thanks to the space observatory named after him, he has managed to obtain important information in space exploration so far. Examining the depths of space from Earth’s orbit and exploring the Milky Way Galaxy a three-dimensional map Gaia, who was tasked with extracting it, discovered a mysterious formation in the depths of the galaxy.

This is the first time these interesting formations have been observed in such a dense state:

Chervin Laporte, an astronomer at the University of Barcelona, ​​said that the source of this mysterious formation; formed by the collision and merging of most of the outward-opening arms of the galaxy over time. dense gas filaments states that it is. During its formation, the Milky Way came into contact with other galaxies and witnessed a great chaos. These ‘mysterious’ structures are the remains of that period. ‘fossil formations’ is thought to be. Scientists, who liken these structures to ripples on the water surface, also offer another possibility.


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The first possibility is that, as we mentioned above, the Milky Way Galaxy is in contact with other planets. as a result of collision was the remnant of these formations. The other possibility is that the galaxies adjacent to the Milky Way Galaxy have some sort of outstretched arms due to the gravitational pull. ‘fluctuating’ strange disorder to create. However, what made this discovery special was that such a large amount of ‘unknown formations’ had not been encountered until now. Scientists are now preparing to conduct a study on which of these two scenarios is more likely.

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