Mortality Rate of Unconscious Antibiotic Use Announced

Scientists have announced that there is a ‘hidden epidemic’ threatening the world. This semi-epidemic is called antimicrobial resistance-related (AMD) bacterial infection, that is, unconscious and unnecessary use of antibiotics. This habit, which cost the lives of more than 1 million people in 2019, has been associated with around 5 million deaths to date.

A new study published in the medical journal The Lancet, in fact, is something that no one is even aware of. there is an epidemic revealed. According to the information obtained within the scope of a project carried out on a global scale, millions of people have lost their lives due to bacterial infections due to antimicrobial resistance (AMD). Number of deaths from bacterial infection in 2019 alone, More than 1 million 270 thousand. So what is this antimicrobial resistance?

Antimicrobial resistance is the body’s ability to use drugs (antibiotics) against infections. to show resistance means. Even though the paramedics give the patient antibiotics and wait for him to get better, such a thing does not happen, the drugs are of no use. This is the situation so far. at least 4 million 950 thousand people It led to his death due to a bacterial infection due to AMD. Experts consider these numbers to be more than deaths from deadly diseases such as AIDS or malaria.

“We need to do something”

The head of the research published in The Lancet prof. Dr. Chris Murraystates that there is an increase in AMD-related deaths and that something needs to be done to prevent this. It is not known what to do about this issue in medical terms, but According to scientists, it is very important not to use unconscious drugs, especially antibiotics, to prevent death due to AMD..


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The latest research by scientists led scientists to 3 conclusions. These results appeared as follows:

  • Although AMD affects all age groups, research indicates that younger age groups are particularly at high risk, accounting for one in five deaths. in children under the age of five shows what happened.
  • According to the study, which especially draws attention to antibiotic resistance, deaths are the highest. Sub-Saharan Africa and in South Asian countries is seen. 24 out of every 100 thousand deaths occur in these geographies. Another finding is that deaths are higher in low-income countries than in high-income countries. 13 out of every 100 thousand deaths are high-income, 56 are in low-income countries is happening.
  • According to the study, most of the deaths were caused by lower respiratory infections such as pneumonia and sepsis. from bloodstream infections originates. coli and some other bacterial infections due to resistance to drug treatments. can result in death.

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