Morgan Stanley: Bitcoin (BTC) investors in 2021 are waiting for a rally

Famous Investment Bank Morgan Stanley stated that most of the investors who invested in Bitcoin in 2021 are carrying heavy losses and are waiting for a rally to close their positions.

Morgan Stanley October 28 In his research report published on 78% of It is not used in transactions, that Etehreum now monitors the stock markets more closely than Bitcoin, and that the costs of short-term Bitcoin investors are approximately 22,300 He claimed it was a dollar.

The report stated that despite the high volatility in other financial markets, Bitcoin has been trading in the narrowest price range since 2020. Investment bank, some traders to prevent further devaluation of Bitcoin 18,500 Bitcoin investments while trading below the dollar has increased He claimed.

last 6 months about the released supply 78% of Pointing out that it is not used in transactions, Morgan Stanley stated that investors who bought Bitcoin more than 6 months ago may be keeping their positions in anticipation of a recovery in price. Also, in the report short term investors average costs 22,300 It was claimed to be in dollars.

It has recently removed trading commissions in Bitcoin parity. BinanceBitcoin transactions on all exchanges except , volumes have dropped The remarkable report states that after this change, the Bitcoin price surprisingly stable underlined that. Morgan Stanley has made this situation possible for investors benefiting from zero commission. It may support Bitcoin. explained with his thesis.

The positive correlation between Ethereum and the stock market is now higher than bitcoin was among the topics covered in the report.

In addition, Morgan Stanley is committed to crypto. institutional demand depends on volatility He stated that the crypto products introduced by traditional financial companies to meet customer demand are increasing. However, when the demand for the products is examined, unless there is a significant fluctuation in the prices, the required demand may not be met. suggested.

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