Moody’s Launches New Cryptocurrency Service: Stunning Results for Stablecoins!

Moody’s Analytics, managed by Moody’s, one of the most famous rating agencies in the USA, has released a new study specifically on stablecoin collapses.

Moody’s Analytics warns that stablecoins in the cryptocurrency market are losing their dollar peg (depeg) developed an artificial intelligence-supported product that can detect the situation in advance. “Digital Asset MonitorThis service, called ” in stablecoins possible depeg It will aim to help the market recover with less damage by warning about situations in advance.

Digital Asset Monitor, which works with great help from artificial intelligence, calculates the total stablecoin market value than 92% It will follow 25 fiat-backed stablecoins representing more than Among these Tether (USDT), USD Coin (USDC) and PayPal’s stablecoin PYUSD It is located.

Fewer stablecoin crashes this year

On the other hand, the positive data presented at the launch of Digital Asset Monitor attracted attention. Moody’s Analytics 2023 in the year 2022 It revealed that there were fewer stablecoin depegs compared to 2018. Market value according to data Stablecoins worth over $10 billion In total in 2023 609 times to the record experienced a significant depeg situation.

this number 2022 in the year as 707 was recorded. The data in question shows that the dollar stability is at least 3% loser stablecoin based on his movements.

In the statement made by the team on the subject, it was stated that interest rates and high volatility in 2022 may have increased the number of depegs:

The high number of depegs has a context with the volatility seen in the sector. In 2022, there were high-profile depregs triggered by rising interest rates, and this trend was seen again in March 2023. However, Moody’s data reveals that depegs are quite common among stablecoins.

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