Ministry of Health, ‘What Have I Got?’ implemented the application

“What Have I Got?” implemented by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey. The app is available as of today. The application, which aims to direct sick citizens to the right doctor and the relevant field, aims to offer a more efficient doctor-patient relationship.

The e-Pulse application has been updated: Here’s what’s new

Personal Health System e-Pulse has been updated. With the release of version 2.9.0, the application has acquired a number of new features.

The application will work with artificial intelligence support

The application, which makes a diagnosis by evaluating your existing health complaints with the help of artificial intelligence, will prevent information pollution from the ear. And it will direct you to a more accurate area. Deputy Minister Dr. In the statement made by Şuayipİlker about the application, it is stated that thanks to the application, patients will reach the right doctor faster.

Speaking at the opening of The Future Healthcare Istanbul International Conference on the subject, Deputy Minister Dr. The first quoted:

There were 2 million entries in this application, which we opened last week. The app asks users medical questions they can understand. Then he makes a business suggestion. In the system, when the physician examines the patient, the answers given are also seen. In the next process, we aim to plan the treatment processes more effectively with these feedbacks. The system will also help physicians. The What Have I got system will measure how quickly the physician reaches the diagnosis and will start recommending articles to that person. Thus, we will develop the physician’s continuous learning capacity and help him/herz.

The application, which can be accessed with an e-Nabız account, ID number and e-Nabız password, works with artificial intelligence support. The application, which works both on the web and on the mobile, also exchanges information with the doctor with the historical health data it receives from e-Nabız.

You have “What have I got?” You can visit here to login to the application.

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