Minecraft Owner Bans In-Game NFTs: So Why?

Mojang Studios, the developer of the Minecraft game, announced that they do not generally support NFTs in the game and will not allow NFTs.

Mojang Studios, which we know with the Minecraft game, continues to take a tough stance against NFTs. Many games allow players to generate NFTs within the game and NFT trading While looking for ways to make it possible to do so, Mojang’s statement came to the contrary.

Posted on the company’s blog “Minecraft and NFTs” In the article entitled, Microsoft “NFT integration into Minecraft is not something we generally support or allow,” the game studio under its umbrella said.

Mojang is determined to keep the game within itself

In the post shared by the company, “In order to ensure that Minecraft players have a safe and inclusive experience, blockchain applications will not be allowed to be integrated into client or server applications, in Minecraft Worlds, costumes, persona items, or other mods will not be allowed to be created using blockchain technology to produce restricted digital assets.” it was said.

Mojang also offers Minecraft-related worlds and packages from some companies. offered as NFT stated. A striking point in the company’s statement was that, at least theoretically, sets can be created in which NFT can be earned in exchange for activities done in Minecraft.

Mojang is about digital constraint and excluding people. Doesn’t conform to Minecraft values While expressing that, they also oppose the scenario where anything in-game is in one player and not in the other. According to the firm, NFTs also run the risk of promoting profiteering in the game.


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Another company that opposed NFTs was Valve. The company owns its own gaming platform. on Steam He stated that he would not allow NFTs and blockchain games. While the player communities are not too warm towards NFTs, Ubisoft also ended the NFT project he started for Ghost Recon Breakpoint. The Epic Games Store, on the other hand, is not against NFTs.

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