Microsoft Edge’s Image Sharpening Software Introduced

Microsoft has announced a new feature that will only be found in the Microsoft Edge browser. Thanks to this feature, low-resolution photos will be automatically rearranged using machine learning.

Internet Explorer, the only internet browser that Microsoft has used in its operating system for years, left its place to Microsoft Edge after 26 years. Edge, which has a Chrome-based infrastructure, is world-wide thanks to its features. favorite of business-oriented internet users was able to be.

Edge, which continues to gain users thanks to its integration with Windows 11, constantly manages to come up with innovations. This new feature, which Microsoft has prepared for Edge, is the browser’s rivals. can literally crush it.

No more 144p photos

According to the information published by Microsoft on its own blog; Turing Super Image Resolution It will use a machine learning-based artificial intelligence called (Turing Super Image Resizing) and will improve the quality of the low-resolution images we see on Edge. For example; Thanks to this artificial intelligence, you can view a 480p resolution image. We will be able to see it in 720p resolution and better quality. The system is also Microsoft’s search engine. It will also work in Bing’s maps app.

Use of Turing-ISR in Bing Maps

However, since this software will need a large processing power and quite a lot of storage space, Microsoft will offer this software over the internet. In other words, you need to be connected to the internet to increase the quality of low-quality images. For use also in low quality images within the software nose modelinghuman eye modeling and grain reduction Various sub-software will also work.


Updating Microsoft Edge’s ‘Collections’ Feature: It Will Be Like A Mini Pinterest

Although the Turing-ISR software is currently in early testing, it may be trialled by some Edge users. After running the Stable, Canary, and Dev versions of Microsoft Edge, enter the “edge://flags” in the tab opened by typing “Enhance images in Microsoft EdgeYou can activate the ” feature (if any).

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