Meaningful Doodle for Earth Day from Google!

Google, the world’s most used search engine, presented the Doodle for Earth Day, April 22. The Doodle prepared for Earth Day included an image of a mountain recorded in 1986 and recorded in 2020. In the two images added side by side, the snow melts and green areas that have changed over the years attracted a lot of attention.

Google designs the appropriate Doodle according to the special days calendar. The main purpose of doing this is to draw attention to important issues and to deliver the content to enough people. So what is the climate crisis and what can be done individually to prevent it? Let’s take a look at the news together.

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Google revealed the climate crisis through Doodle!

Climate change, also known as global warming, is the change in the Earth’s climate with the greenhouse effect as a result of the increase in the gases holding the heat in the atmosphere. world climate; It is deteriorating with the abnormal increase in land, sea and air temperatures. Climate scientists, on the other hand, agree that there is global warming on Earth right now.

Climate change has increased especially after the industrial revolution. Following industrialization, factors such as the increase in the use of private vehicles, tree cutting and concretization, consumption frenzy were also effective in the growth of global warming. As a result of global warming, glaciers melted and fresh water resources were depleted. Strong winds caused by the temperature-pressure difference, followed by heavy rains and tsunamis began to occur.

It is possible to take many measures individually to prevent the climate crisis. This problem can be reduced by reducing the carbon footprint, making use of renewable energy sources, afforestation, and most importantly, by raising awareness.

What do you, our readers, think about this issue? Are there any individual measures you have taken for the climate crisis? You can express your thoughts in the comments section or on the SDN Forum.

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