Man Searching for a Friend for His Dog, Developed ‘Tinder’ Dog

A man who wanted to find a canine companion for his dog developed a dog-only version of Tinder, a friend-finding and matchmaking app. The application, which helps both you and your dog socialize, received full marks from dog lovers.

A person named Colin Jarvis-Gaum, who lives in Toronto, Canada, is using Tinder, a matchmaking app. special version for dogs developed. It attracted great attention from dog lovers and became popular in a short time. “Pawmates” The app currently has more than 10 thousand users.

On the other hand, 27-year-old Jarvis-Gaum has no experience in developing applications; Watching Pawmates on YouTube from videos about software and coding He noted that he developed himself with what he learned.

They plan to develop the app further

The main purpose of developing the application is to your Golden Retriever dog. find a friend Jarvis-Gaum stated that “Actually this project started with my own dog. Since he’s getting a little older, I thought it would be great if I could get him playmates at his own pace” he said.

The working principle of Pawmates is very similar to Tinder, if you swipe right and the other person does the same for you. match occurs and the app automatically starts a chat. The comments from the users of the application are extremely positive. Dayan Servantez, a dog owner, said he found Pawmates very useful, thanks to the app. While providing your dog’s socialization, on the other hand, you can enjoy your sport. He said you can do it. Anna Koran, another Pawmates user who regularly takes her dogs for walks, said: “A great app for both people to exchange ideas and dogs to come together” used the phrases.


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Jarvis-Gaum and his team, who were extremely pleased with the interest and interest Pawmates received, stated that they wanted to develop the software in different ways. to the app “lost dog alert” and “dog adoption network” Jarvis-Gaum noted that they aim to add some useful features such as; he underlined that it will be possible to use the application for other purposes in this way.

Source : C4%B1-come%C5%9Ftirdi

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