Malware Using ChatGPT on the Rise!

Meta announced that the number of malware using ChatGPT as bait has increased dramatically in the last two months. A company executive likened this to cryptocurrency scams.

While productive AI models like ChatGPT are exciting, they also come with some risks. One such risk is that they are used by malicious actors. A statement made today by tech giant Meta is that ChatGPT is leveraged. of malware proved to be on the rise.

Meta stated that ChatGPT is used as a bait to download malicious apps and browser extensions. A manager from the company explained this situation. likened to cryptocurrency scams.

More than 1000 malicious links found since March saying they contain ChatGPT

The social media giant has been around since last March. 10 malware families and 1000+ malicious links He said he found it. In addition, these softwares have artificial intelligence supported chat bots. Introduced to users as tools that include ChatGPT was also included in the comments. Some software even appeared to actually provide ChatGPT functionality alongside malicious files, according to Meta.

Speaking at a press conference about the report, Meta Information Security Officer Guy Rosen compared this situation to similar cases we see in cryptocurrencies and said:ChatGPT is the new crypto

Rosen and other Meta executives added that they are starting to take precautions against such dangers associated with productive artificial intelligence technologies such as ChatGPT.


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This development came amid debates about the safety of AI models. Many fake applications that were launched as ChatGPT many times before and trying to trick users have been seen on the internet.

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