Malware Found in Windows Help Files

Microsoft, which was hacked in the past days and lost a lot of data, is on the agenda this time with the malware found in the Microsoft Help files of Windows.

Nowadays, when cyber crimes continue to increase, we need to act more carefully in every transaction we make over the internet. A link you click on the internet may cause all your information to fall into the hands of malicious people. even sometimes They may not even need you to click on these links.

Although almost all companies have warned about this for many years, there are still too many people whose accounts have been hacked and whose information has been compromised. We have been talking about these people frequently lately. accompanies in large companies and cybercrime is increasing day by day. In the past days, we talked to you that Microsoft was hacked and a lot of data was leaked. This time, malware hidden inside Microsoft files was found.

Malware hidden inside Microsoft help files

The malware found in Microsoft Help files for Windows has alarmed Trustwave security experts. The newly discovered ‘Vidar’ malware hides inside Microsoft Help files. The software, which looks like a .DOC file called REQUEST.DOC, is thus much better hidden. However, even though it has the .DOC extension, the software is actually an .ISO file and usually inside An HTML file compiled in CHM format exists. With the executable ‘APP.EXE’ file inside, users’ information is accessed.

Experts say that a second wave of Vidar is on the way and that users They must be careful in all their transactions. underlines. Although it is well hidden, there are some things that can be done to protect yourself from this software.

So what can we do?

cyber attack

While we’ve been tired of hearing the same thing for years, experts warn once again that you should be careful before clicking on a link sent to you. This malware specifically says “This important information is for you. Please join the team for this email.” sentence is trying to get you to click on this link. If you receive this or a similar email, think twice before clicking.

Be especially careful about the applications you download to your phone and the sites you visit. Use a firewall to feel more ‘safe’ in all your online searches and purchases. However, be sure to pay attention to the security of your passwords and the permissions you give to applications. Remember that no matter how complex your passwords are, they can fall into the hands of malicious people with a single click.

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