‘Limit Technology’ Call from the Presidency

The Presidential Digital Transformation Office asked citizens to limit the use of technological products. The 4 recommendations on this subject seem to ignite a new discussion.

In these days when our lives are becoming more and more digital every day, Presidential Digital Transformation OfficeA very controversial statement came from. Reminding that in 2020, internet usage has increased to 79 percent among citizens between the ages of 16-74, officials said, technology use should be limited. they advised. It has been a matter of curiosity how to stay away from technology these days, when even education is carried out thanks to technology.

In the report prepared by the Presidency Digital Transformation Office, the use of technological products overdone expressed. The authorities, who made some recommendations on this issue, also explained how to limit the use of technology. Come now, advisory Let’s take a closer look at those explanations.

The report focused on 4 items.

In the statements of the Presidency’s Digital Transformation Office, 4 articles were included that will enable the use of technology to be limited. These items appeared as follows:

  • Technological devices such as computers, tablets or phones monitor screen usage times.
  • Use digital devices when you spend time with your family or friends. Do not use except in emergencies.
  • Determine the period you will work and your free time well. Within the spare time period you have determined, use tech for fun.
  • Track how much time you spend on digital games, internet or social media platforms. Limit yourself so you don’t overdo it.

Especially during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, with distance education and working from home applications. digital transformation speed has increased exponentially. In these days when almost all kinds of work, service and application are carried out over the internet, it is a matter of debate how long the citizens can comply with the recommendations we have listed above.

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