Joint Aid Campaign from McDonald’s and Burger King

The Great Southeast earthquakes, in which more than 35 thousand of our citizens lost their lives, brought together McDonald’s and Burger King, which are fierce competitors. In addition, a call for help was made to Turkey from Metallica and Madonna.

Turkey, the double that occurred on 6 February Great Southeast earthquakes He is trying to bandage his wound. While the search and rescue efforts continue, financial aid campaigns are carried out for the re-development of the region. The disaster is not only in Turkey, around the world has resonated.

Earthquake disaster that shook Turkey, under normal conditions fiercely competitive brought together institutions and organizations. In this context; A step taken by McDonald’s and Burger King, which are among the biggest fast food companies in the world, did not go unnoticed. Burger KingBy sharing the aid campaign launched by McDonald’s on his Instagram account, he made the campaign reach more people.

The informational post of the campaign launched by McDonald’s on Instagram was as follows:

McDonald’s, recently for earthquake victims food delivery points He explained that he had created this and made a post about these distribution points. Here is this post from Burger King’s official Instagram account. has been reposted.


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Burger King’s post was as follows:

In the post by Burger King “The wounds of the earthquake we will wrap together.‘ statements were made.

Metallica and Madonna also appealed to Turkey for help

One of the most famous metal bands in the world Metallicapublished a post from its official Twitter account and called for support for both Turkey and Syria. Metallica’s post on Twitter was as follows:

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