It was explained why those annoying sections were added to Spider-Man 2

Insomniac’s Spider-Man 2 has received critical acclaim since its release, but one aspect that has divided fans is the return of Mary Jane’s stealth missions from the first game.

Mary Jane stealth episodes disrupt Spider-Man 2 story line for some

Although these missions were not very popular in the original game, they became less hated in the second game with some adjustments. Insomniac senior creative director Bryan Intihar shed light on why these missions were included in the game.

Realizing that MJ’s missions were not a fan favorite in the first game, the team considered removing them completely in the sequel. However, they chose a different approach. Intihar explains:

“We had two options. We could have said, ‘Well, let’s make it easy and not do it at all.’ And everyone said, ‘Great.’ MJ would say, ‘No duty.’ Or we could say, ‘Hey, we talked about showing the world from all different angles. We will make his moments better. We will overcome the difficulties. We’ll make sure people love playing with it. We choose and determine our points. “We knew we had to make him a more proactive and capable character.”

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Spider-Man 2’s fun bug has been removed from the game: Players are upset!

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This determination stemmed from his belief in portraying MJ as a “capable hero” even if he did not have superpowers. This belief led to his inclusion as a playable character in the final mission, a decision that was not originally planned. The idea of ​​allowing players to control MJ ​​on his bike was briefly considered, but the plan was eventually abandoned to make room for other content.

The emphasis on MJ’s abilities also influenced the introduction of the powerful stun gun. Intihar even came up with an early concept where MJ would aid Peter in a scenario where he was injured by using his web shooter to fend off enemies, which inspired the inclusion of the stun gun in the first mission.

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So, according to Insomniac, the role they gave Mary Jane in Spider-Man 2 is considered a successful job because it is a more active role compared to the first game. However, players do not like Mary Jane being integrated so much in a Spider-Man game and think that it hinders the flow of the story. What are you thinking? Please don’t forget to share your thoughts with us in the comments.

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