Is Mining Harmless as Celâl Şengör Claims?

We love nature and want to protect it. Intentional or unintentional destruction pushes us to be protective like a parent. What do we know about mine destruction after Celâl Şengör called environmentalists ‘ignorant’?

Mines are one of the world’s economic indispensables, the source of dozens of items we use, but harm to nature what size? What happens to the area after the mine is closed?

Türkiye and the world condition of minesWe have brought together information about mining operations, inspection and mine rehabilitation for you.

What did Celâl Şengör say?

Celâl Şengör attended the panel within the scope of December 4th World Miners’ Day; By emphasizing the necessity of mines, environmentalists are wrong and ‘stupid ignorant’ He stated that they were. Was Şengör, who reacted on social media, right?

Is it wrong to be environmentally friendly?Or could there be a mistake in the perspective used in environmental activities? If you are not familiar with the subject, you can read our news below:


Prof. Dr. Celâl Şengör Called Environmentalists “Ignorant”

The curtain is rising: What do these mines do?

How mining activities work, how mining areas are selected, after the operations What happened to the field? We investigated. Mines; exploration, extraction, preparation, enrichment, storage of minerals and elements, waste disposal and harmony with the environment It deals with many stages such as.

Stone AgeWhy While dividing human history into sections, we name them according to their ability to use natural resources. With the Industrial Revolution we experienced in the 1950s, our need for minerals grew and spread to many areas of use, eventually becoming the source of our indispensable items.

Mining is a high-cost and long-term process that may pose risks to both nature and employees. non-renewable Since it is a resource, it is inevitable that some investments made during the operation process will be wasted at the end.

The change that the area will experience varies depending on the structure of the mine.


Mining has two methods called open and closed; mine location, It changes the method. Approximately 70% of the mines in the world are operated by the open pit method.

Plant and living cover in surface mining reduction or disappearanceThere are risks such as deterioration of the geological structure of the area. Although the risk of destruction to nature is less in closed mining, which takes place deeper than the ground, it can lead to land degradation.

Damage to underground and surface water resources, natural chain, climate, living life in the soil and area, fertile soil, and cultural assets; It can cause dust and noise pollution, making mines harmful to the environment. dangerous puts it in position.

When we are done with the mines;


Post-mining nature in the world repair and restorationis evaluated before and throughout the activity. In our country, the improvement of nature is an issue that is generally considered mandatory after mining activities.

When the mine stops operating, repair work on damaged areas is carried out in four stages. First of all, it is planned what will happen to the area after mining. The structure of the area is arranged according to the plan and then improvement process is taking place. The remediation process continues with monitoring and maintenance of the area.

Turkey has a wide variety of mineral deposits due to its geological and tectonic structure.


Of the approximately 90 types of minerals found in the world, about 60 are also found in our country. According to 2017 data, we rank 28th in mine production value and 10th in diversity ranking. While 2.5% of the world’s industrial raw material reserves are in our country, boron We rank first in minerals with 72%.

The concept of environment came to the agenda with the 1982 Constitution, and in 1983, it was added to the law no. 2872.environmental law‘ has entered into force. Mines were evaluated within the scope of Article 168 of the Constitution, numbered 3213. Mining Law It was released in 1985.

What is Environmental Impact Assessment, the abbreviated name of which we often hear?

environmental impact assessment

EIA; Determining the positive and negative effects of planned projects on the environment, preventing negative effects, taking precautions to minimize them to the extent that they will not harm the environment, evaluating location and technology alternatives, during the implementation phase of the project. monitoring and control It covers.

Environmental impact assessment process; The application includes pre-construction, operation and post-construction works. public participation meeting Information about the project is provided and opinions and suggestions are collected. The place and date of the meetings are announced in newspapers at least 10 days in advance.

The EIA report is given its final shape by examining the public’s opinion by the commission. The project is reopened for comments by the ministry and/or governorship through a pending announcement and the internet. The project is concluded after all opinions and evaluations, whether positive or negative. to the EIA decision not followed Procedures are initiated for the projects within the scope of the Environmental Law.

In mining activities, the location of the resource is certain.


Different damages to nature may occur at each mining stage. In mineral extraction, enrichment and metal purification polluting factors may occur. The size of the mine, its physical and chemical structure, and the duration of the process can also affect deterioration. Destruction and more or less damage are encountered in agriculture, forests and living spaces.

Mining operations that cause aesthetic pollution may not only deteriorate the area where they extract the mineral. elements and minerals areas where they are stored and accumulated It may also play a role in disrupting the environmental balance.

Environmentally focused non-governmental organizations oppose mining activities all over the world.

non-governmental organizationstakes various initiatives to prevent the start of mining activities. As mining activities begin despite opposition, there is a decrease in NGO initiatives, and generally, it is very rare for mines to be stopped after they start operating.

In order to influence society, it can be seen that the positive and negative aspects for the mining area include elements other than the environment. These studies, which are carried out in order to reduce or increase the resistance of the local people, are based on environmental protection. to go away It can cause

Until alternatives are developed for the future…

Policies related to the mining sector; It can change the perspectives and therefore the actions of private companies, NGOs and people living near the mining area. Preventive, enlightening and stopping activities of NGOs after mining keeping it alive; It is important to follow the mines throughout the rehabilitation process with the EIA report.

The shortest way to restore areas is afforestation. With increasing awareness, ecological benefits will be provided to the region being rehabilitated. better than before designs can be realized.

We should not forget that forest soil, It does not lose its properties just by cutting down the trees on it. By protecting the soil, we can reach the forest again in a very short time. It is up to us to ‘inspect’ the inspections, we must follow every process after the closure of the mines.

economic development and what we use Is the destruction caused by the mines that we ‘cannot give up’, which are the source of many goods, insignificant? We are waiting for your thoughts.

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