Is It Possible To Age As Healthy As An Athlete, According To Science?

We are born, grow up, grow old and die. Although it is not possible to change this life cycle that begins at birth, we have control of the aging phase. According to science, it is possible to age healthily and thus lead a much more enjoyable life. Let’s take a closer look at the details.

Every living thing that exists, has been and will be in the world is born, grows, ages and dies. This life cycle, on which poems are written, is actually nothing but a simple rule of nature. Perhaps the only process within our real control in this life cycle is aging. Everyone can throw in a healthy aging There are some small but equally important steps.

It is really possible to age healthy. The reason why we make an athlete analogy in our article is that scientists grow old healthy The fact that they examined the concept through athletes. As you can see without going into details, there is a direct connection between healthy aging and physical exercise. So how much should we exercise? Don’t worry, the answer to this question is not as tiring as you might think.

How long will we live?

The more life we ​​have written in our destiny, the more we will live, of course, that is a separate issue, but when we look at scientific data It seems that we will outlive even people who lived only a few decades ago. Because, if we do not count the special situations experienced in different parts of the world, the world is now a much more advantageous place to live.

In the 20th century, we can say that life expectancy has almost doubled. For example, if you are 50 years old today There’s no reason why you can’t live to be 83. According to a study, the probability of a baby born in 2007 to be 100 years old in countries such as the USA, England, Japan, Italy, Germany, France or Canada is calculated as 50%.

We can now get rid of the diseases that used to kill people with a little medicine, it is now much easier to maintain hygiene conditions, We are less likely to be shot suddenly in the middle of the street. Since we will live much longer now, the retirement age has increased as well. In other words, the years when we put our health on the back burner just because I would die anyway, are over.

Is it possible to age healthy?

grow old healthy

To give a general answer without going into details, yes, it is possible to live healthy. But when we dig into the details of the subject a little The answer can get a little more complicated. Because the number of environmental variables increases as people age, it is difficult to reach a scientific reality. We still have the words of our grandparents who said that they ate a spoonful of honey every day, drank olive oil, or lived long by staying away from love.

scientists grow old healthy concept of your performance to continue the decline that started after reaching the peak point in the best way they define as. Since it is difficult to understand whether a normal person is at the peak of his performance at the moment, studies are directed towards athletes whose performances are stable with statistics.

Contrary to popular belief, athletes do not peak at the age of 30 and then begin to decline. They see the peak and manage to maintain this performance for many years. In other words, they fully meet the concept of aging healthy. For example, even at the age of 100, it is possible to meet athletes who break the 100-meter running record. This means that it is important not to see the top, but to stay at the top.

What do you need to do to age healthy?

grow old healthy

It’s simple, you have to act. Studies show that movement literally acts as a medicine. Besides move mentioned here It does not only cover heavy training done in the gym. Even halving your daily sitting time is considered an important step towards healthy aging.

According to studies conducted in 2009 on nearly 20,000 people aged between 18 and 90, there is a direct link between sitting time and serious diseases that can cause sudden death. When you sit for 6 hours a day instead of 3, the risk of heart disease immediately doubles. that the day when we think that we sit for an average of 11 hours It’s scary to even think about how many times it increases the risk of disease.

The goal of 10 thousand steps a day seems simple, but it is a very effective method. If you are under 50 a 10-minute high-intensity workout three times a week It is possible to improve your health by 15% by doing this. If you are over the age of 50, you can take a walk or do light exercises that work all muscle groups, instead of forcing yourself with such intense training, since your muscle mass has decreased.

Is it too late to age healthy?

grow old healthy

We are sure that many people reading this article will say that even in their 30s, they have gone through them now and that it is necessary to do these exercises on time. Do not look for excuses for your laziness, there is no such thing. Even if you say you’re 90 years old, it’s not too late. Because if you apply the right exercise program under the guidance of an expert, even this will have a positive effect on your health.

If you are under 35, you already have no excuses. It’s time. It is possible to age as healthy as a real athlete by doing high-intensity exercise a few days a week. Again, no excuses if you’re over 35. Although not high An intense workout that will work all the muscles in the body. It will be an effective medicine that protects you from all kinds of diseases. Laziness saves today, exercise saves your whole life.

Tips to be an earring for healthy aging:

grow old healthy

  • If you smoke, quit as soon as possible. Every cigarette you smoke while waiting for the right time takes a day out of your life.
  • Even if you say you only throw it in tea and coffee, stop using sugar as soon as possible.
  • Avoid packaged, processed foods.
  • Limit red meat consumption and focus on white meats such as chicken and fish.
  • Limit offal consumption.
  • Limit or even stop alcohol consumption.
  • Limit carbohydrate consumption.
  • Limit coffee and tea consumption.
  • For lots of water.
  • Mental health is also important, read a book.
  • Try to stay away from sources of stress as much as possible.
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
  • Take advantage of the sunlight.
  • If you have to sit at work, get up at least every 10 minutes with an excuse.
  • Do not answer the phone before going to sleep.
  • Set regular sleep times.
  • Most importantly, never be hopeless.

On the question of is it possible to live as healthy as an athlete? how you can improve your mental and physical health and we explained the steps you can take in this regard. Youth is beautiful but temporary. When these beautiful days pass, the money in your bank account will not save you, but a few thousand steps you take daily will make you a much healthier old person.

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