iOS 18 will be the most ambitious update of recent years

A report that surfaced last week showed that Apple has stopped development of iOS 18 and other new operating system versions. Accordingly, it was stated that the company received many errors in the software before designing new features. If new reports iOS 18 is the most ambitious version of recent years. and it shows that it will be an interesting update.

Apple: iOS 18 will be the most ambitious update of recent years

According to Bloomberg reports, Apple executives, iOS 18’s “most ambitious and most interesting” update He wants it to happen. It introduced significant features and designs changes, as well as performance and security improvements.

Previous leaks indicate that Apple; It reported that it has completed the initial releases of iOS 18, macOS 15, and watchOS 11. However, during their review, software teams found that there were an unexpected number of errors. These software updates prepared for beta tests caused confusion in the company.

What's going on at Apple?  iOS 18 work has been suspended!

What’s going on at Apple? iOS 18 work has been suspended!

Apple has temporarily stopped developing new operating systems, including iOS 18 and macOS 15. Here are the details.

Analysts say that this situation iOS 18 beta program He thinks the likelihood of a postponement is low. However, he also underlines that Apple engineers will have less time to fix bugs.

It is quite remarkable that Apple refers to iOS 18 as the most ambitious update. To make a comparison Widget added with iOS 14 support was considered a “modest-sized innovation”. This shows that Apple wants to change iPhone usage habits after years.

Although details are unclear for now, Artificial intelligence with iOS 18 It is possible to expect their capabilities to expand. It seems likely that Siri, in particular, will receive a comprehensive update and bring new capabilities to iOS. However WWDC 2024The company’s plans may change until .

So, what do you think about the Google iOS challenge? Don’t forget to share your opinions with us in the comments section!

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