Investment Giant Can Add SAND And These 24 Altcoins To Its Basket!

Grayscale Investments, which manages the Grayscale DeFi fund and the Grayscale Digital Large Cap Fund, has added 25 altcoins to its list of potential investments, including a number of high-profile DeFi and metaverse tokens. Additions to Grayscale’s “assets under review” list include cryptocurrencies from DeFi projects Algorand (ALGO) and Convex (CVX), and metaverse initiatives such as The Sandbox (SAND), Axie Infinity (AXS) and Yield Guild Games (YGG). .

Grayscale can raise funds for SAND and 24 altcoins

Grayscale periodically updates the review list in question. In the announcement, the firm stated that it views the additions as “possible candidates for inclusion in a future investment product,” but that “not every asset under consideration will be converted into one of investment products.” He stated that Grayscale might consider assets. The full list of current assets that Grayscale is currently considering adding to its body is as follows:

  • Algorand (ALGO)
  • Arweave (AR)
  • Axie Infinity (AXS)
  • Bancor (BNT)
  • BitTorrent (BTT)
  • Convex (CVX)
  • Cosmos (ATOM)
  • Decred (DCR)
  • Elrond (EGLD)
  • Enjin (ENJ)
  • Phantom (FTM)
  • Gala (GALA)
  • gelato
  • Helium (HNT)
  • Holo (HOT)
  • Oasis Network (ROSE)
  • Secret (SCRT)
  • Spell (SPELL)
  • Stacks (STX)
  • The Sandbox (SAND)
  • Universal Market Access (UMA)
  • VeChain (VET)
  • Yield Guild Games (YGG) As we reported earlier in the month, Grayscale said that it has added Amp (AMP) to its portfolio of 23 other digital assets, including Bitcoin, Ethereum and Cardano. AMP is the native token of the Flexa network, a payment network that enables crypto-secured payments in physical stores and online.

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