Berlin The Ukraine wants to lay the foundation for future energy supply in times of war. “Our plan is to have 50 percent nuclear and 50 percent renewable energy in the future,” Ukrainian Energy Minister German Galushchenko told Handelsblatt. He announced: “Some projects are already starting up during the war.”
Since the beginning of the war, Russia has repeatedly attacked Ukraine’s energy infrastructure with rockets and artillery. However, Ukraine has been able to avoid permanent blackouts, and the country is now even exporting electricity to other European countries again. However, Kiev needs money from abroad to set up new production capacities. In order to secure these investments, Ukraine is talking to international institutions such as the World Bank, the minister said.
Galushchenko expressed concern about the situation around Europe’s largest nuclear power plant, Zaporizhia, which is occupied by Russian troops. Kiev rates the risk as high, he said. The Russians omitted necessary maintenance work because they wanted to render the nuclear power plant unusable.
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