Internet Sales Statement by President Erdogan

In his speech at an event he attended, President Erdoğan touched upon the issue of stocking, which is one of the most important agenda items of the last period. Erdogan also gave place to ‘limitations to e-commerce platforms that sell over the internet’. So what do these two statements mean?

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan at an event he attended current economic picture and made statements about the agenda items. Of course, the subject has also come under the heading of ‘stocking’ and ‘online sales’, which is a topic we have encountered frequently in our country lately.

Erdogan said in his statement about hoarding.Those who seek to gain exorbitant profits at the expense of our citizens by hoarding and unfairly increasing prices. increasing the penalties‘ while using the expressions ‘about e-commerce platforms’Electronic commerce platforms that sell over the Internet we tidy up, we impose certain limitations made statements. So what could these implicit explanations mean?

The ‘solution’ for the exorbitant price and stocking problem has actually been announced

Before Erdoğan’s statements on stocking and exorbitant prices, an official statement and a ‘solution’ regarding the issue had come earlier on the same day. As we mentioned in our news here, according to a new decision taken, a new ‘digital product tracking system’ will be implemented in order to prevent stocking and exorbitant price practices.

Apart from this practice, penalties have also been increased for those who hoard and apply unfair prices, as has been frequently discussed in recent years; In fact, in January, a related law was enacted. It is too early to say whether these are the regulations that Erdogan mentioned in his statement or whether a new step will be taken. But given the impact of already existing practices, perhaps it would be best for all to come up with new and effective regulations.

Will there be restrictions on e-commerce platforms?


Another remarkable detail in Erdogan’s statement was the statements that ‘e-commerce platforms will be tidied up’. E-commerce platforms have come to the fore in recent months, especially with issues such as ‘fake discount’. After these events were talked about frequently, there were developments in this regard as well; It was announced that the future of regulations regarding the failure to make such fake discounts on platforms. In fact, some regulations were made and steps were taken to eliminate consumer grievances.

However, Erdogan said in his statement that “a new step will be takenHe uses expressions that we can interpret as ‘. Therefore, it is not possible to say exactly whether what is meant here is the ongoing applications or a new step.


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The subject mentioned here is associated with the exorbitant price and stocking issue; In e-commerce, steps will be taken in this direction, and perhaps even the new The ‘digital product tracking system’ step will also be valid for e-commerce platforms. can be interpreted as Still, it looks like we’ll have to wait a little longer to understand exactly what the statements mean.

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