Intel solved the problem in the graphics card software!

As programmers or those who have a little knowledge of the subject will know, sometimes even a single error in the code can directly affect the operation of the system. It may even cause it to not work. Intel had a similar software issue, but with a single line of code they were able to solve the problem within the graphics card software and achieve an unpredictable performance boost.

Intel solved the problem in the graphics card software! Performance increased 100 times

Intel discovered a life in graphics card software. Reportedly, this problem was causing the ray tracing performance to degrade. Now, a new update has been shared that radically solves this problem. Analysts controlling the new software describe the situation with amazement.

The bug in the problematic version of the software is said to be caused by Vulkan ray tracing technology. Accordingly, the software used the system memory (RAMs connected to the motherboard) instead of the local memory (GDDR6 RAM) modules on the video card. This resulted in a huge drop in performance.

Google has released software that revives old computers and Macs!

Google has released software that revives old computers and Macs!

Google released the ChromeOS Flex operating system, which is the lifeblood of old computers, today. Moreover, it is completely free.

However, analysts examining the new update enabled Intel to achieve a 100 times higher result in ray tracing performance with a change in a single line of code. It is not difficult to guess that using DDR4 or new generation DDR5 system memory instead of GDDR6 will cause performance loss. However, no one anticipated such a high increase.

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