Information You Will Be Surprised To Hear About Kangal Dogs

We have compiled interesting information about kangal dogs, which are known for being very cold-blooded and noble, for you. We combined all the details we know, from its physical features to its awesome characteristics. If you wish, without further ado, let’s examine the important features of kangal dogs.

According to some, they are known as the most noble dogs, according to others, our distinguished city Sivas‘s symbol. Kangal dogshas been widely known in our country for years. However, there are some features that distinguish kangal dogs from other dogs and make them stand out. When we say information about Kangal dogs, the first thing that comes to mind is that they are very cold-blooded.

Sivas Kangals are very popular as we said above, but they are dogs that are often humorous in our country. When we look at the history of Kangal dogs, it is said that they were brought by the Kangli Turkish tribes who migrated from Central Asia. However, no matter how popular they are today, kangal dogs were also used in the wars of the Ottoman Empire in the past. If you wish, without further ado, coil dogs interesting information about Let’s move on to our list.

Interesting information about Kangal dogs:

  • Strong teeth and jaws
  • Size differences exist between male and female coils
  • stronger front legs
  • They do not bark easily
  • They get along well with children
  • great observational skills
  • Kangals have a sensitive heart
  • Easy to train
  • No biting habit
  • Excellent protective structures
  • feather structures
  • They are very loyal to their duties.

Strong teeth and jaws

Kangal dogs We know how strong animals they are. In fact, you must have heard at least one story about the strength of these dogs. The teeth of these dogs, which are quite cold-blooded when viewed from the outside, are quite strong, but they also have a great jaw strength. In this way, it is very unlikely that the prey they catch with their mouths will escape.

Size differences exist between male and female coils

two coils

male sivas coils, 77-87cm between them in height. However, the weight of these very large animals varies between 50 and 64 kg. Of course, these are the general averages of sivas coils, but some animals have been found to be much larger than normal. In fact, gigantic sivas coils have also made their way into the news bulletins from time to time.

Let’s come to the female coils. If the height of female coils is 71-77cm while their weight varies between 41 and 59 kg.

stronger front legs


Kangal dogs’ front legs compared to their hind legs it is much stronger. However, they can use their front legs much better. When they want to attack their prey, they first get support from their front legs. This gives them an easier hunting opportunity. If you are already hunting for a kangal dog, your job is quite difficult.

They do not bark easily

coil mouth

As we said above, kangal dogs, which are very cold blooded, never bark unless there is a threat. I mean, all those who barked at cars, motorcycles, people passing by on the street until now. Kangal dog It’s pretty hard to see. To get them to bark, you must appear threatening or have made moves to provoke kangal dogs.

They get along well with children

kangal dog and child

Dogs in general with children they get along well. Of course, although this is not true for all dogs, coils in particular are good friends. These animals, which love to have fun especially with children, are the best friends for our little ones. If you see a kangal dog in your neighborhood, you can try to introduce your child to it.

great observational skills

angry coil

Kangals are awesome observation ability they have. If you notice, they constantly monitor the environment, even where they sit. They are aware of almost all events happening around them. However, they also support their observation skills very successfully with their excellent olfactory properties. Kangals are very independent animals. This gives them an opportunity to observe more easily.

Kangals have a sensitive heart

sad coil

Kangals have a very touchy nature. Yes, you can see those who say “I was actually a kangal dog” in the comments. Kangals are very sensitive when faced with evil or a negative situation. They can get upset very easily. Therefore, if there is a coil in front of you, not to upset her you should take care.

Easy to train

educated coil

Kangals are very, very easy to train compared to other dogs. Especially reward system By using it, you can easily train a kangal dog next to you. We already know how intelligent a kangal dog is. However, it is enough that you can reward them for training them.

No biting habit

kangal dog close

Although Kangals are scary animals when viewed from the outside, they never see the person in front of them. a habit of biting there is none. As we’ve said before, they won’t do anything to you unless you appear to be a threat to them or provoke the coils. Of course, this does not apply to all coil types. This cold-blooded character structure is not valid for hybrid kangals. Don’t get too involved with them, they don’t always know what they’re going to do.

Excellent protective structures

kangal dog and owner

coils, guarding the herd they are masters at it. Therefore, they often use it as a shepherd dog. They can protect the flock they are tasked to protect at the cost of their lives. Specifically, instead of following the herd, they advance several meters ahead. Other animals do not want to come face to face with a kangal dog anyway. Because kangals are known as the only animals that can cope with wolves.

feather structures

coil feathers

The colors of Kangal dogs are specific. The faces of the Kangal dogs, which have a light yellow, gray or steel color, are black. From the outside, you might say “these colors are all the same”. But when you get close, you can distinguish the color of their feathers. As for the feather structures, your coils Their hair can be short or medium in length. However, they have very dense and hard feather structures. For this reason, their feathers may require grooming from time to time.

They are very loyal to their duties.


Kangals, like built for missions are dogs. They fulfill their duties at the expense of their lives. For example, you may have heard that as a shepherd dog, they guard the flock hungry for days, even when trekking in the mountains. Kangal dogs, one of the best friends of shepherds, are able to use their intelligence in a great way.

For you interesting information about kangal dogs we gathered together. Especially when we say kangal dogs in our country, the city of Sivas comes to mind. In fact, the common name of these dogs in society is known as Sivas Kangalı. These dogs are one of the dog breeds with great features. Although they are quite strong, the fact that they hide this power behind their cold blood is one of their awesome details. What do you guys think about kangal dogs? Do not forget to share with us in the comments.

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