Information About the United States

When the United States is mentioned, the statue of liberty, wide streets and Hollywood, the US flag and some of its states immediately come to mind. But in the backpack of this huge country, there are a lot of stories and information that are not immediately visible and intriguing.

Now, we are embarking on an expedition that promises much more than an ordinary journey. In this adventure, you will hear, perhaps for the first time, “Really?” with facts that make you say We will rediscover America.

If you are ready, we are starting with the information we will get to the bottom of America!

Compilation of information about America:

The American flag was changed 26 times before it was finalized.

america flag

USA flag meaning Let’s start by reviewing it. The stripes on the flag represent the 13 colonies and the 50 stars represent the states that joined the union. “How many stars is the US flag?” While there are people wondering, who designed the flag is another frequently asked question. There are many legends about the design of the flag. According to a belief, a seamstress named Betsy Ross made the first design of the flag, but this theory is disputed by historians.

In some sources, he is the person who designed the US flag. Robert G. Heft is shown. Heft, who was 17 years old when he designed it, created the design as a high school class project.

It consists of 50 states.

states of america

More than 330 million people American states lives among. These numbers make it the third most populous country in the world. US population It is also among the first with its total area. By total area, the USA is the fourth largest country in the world. Some of the US states:

  • Alabama
  • Alaska
  • Arizona
  • California
  • Colorado
  • Florida
  • indiana
  • Kansas
  • Kentucky
  • mississippi
  • Nebraska
  • New Jersey
  • New Mexico
  • new York
  • Ohio
  • Pennsylvania
  • Texas
  • washington

It has no official language.

official language of america

Although it is not an official language recognized at the federal level, English is the most widely used language. American English After this language we call Spanish, the second language spoken in the country is Spanish. According to the Hawaii state constitution, Hawaiian and English are the common official languages.

Washington DC wasn’t always America’s capital.

america capital

until 1785-1790 new YorkIt served as the capital of the country. Although it later lost its capital status, New York is the largest city in the USA by population.

In addition, Washington takes its name from George Washington, the first president of the USA.

New York was founded by the Dutch.

interesting facts about america

The name of New York, founded by the Dutch who settled in Manhattan in 1615 It was New Amsterdam. Although its name changed to New York when it was captured by the British in 1664, you can still see signs with its old name around Wall Street.

It has the largest economy in the world, accounting for almost a quarter of the global economy.

america's economy

You already know this information, but we did not want to leave it without adding the information about how long it has been around. USA, since 1871 It holds the title of being the largest economy in the world. Therefore, it is not surprising to compare the USA to a “superpower”.

He bought Alaska from Russia for 7.2 million dollars.

america alaska

This sale, which took place on March 30, 1867, is worth approximately 125 million dollars in today’s currency. Many Americans at the time rejected this agreement. “Seward’s Folly” Even though he describes it as “a long time ago”, time has proven what a valuable investment Alaska is.

Also, Alaska It has the longest coastline in the country. Although Alaska, which borders both the Pacific and Arctic Oceans, ranks last in terms of population density, it is home to the longest coastline in the state.

This land, full of resources such as gold, oil and natural gas, is an important part of America’s expansion towards the north. has strategic importance happened. Alaska, also known as the “last frontier”, is an adventure paradise with its wild nature, enormous glaciers and rich culture.


Even though everyone thought it was just a glacier, the facts were very different: The Story of Alaska, Where the USA Made Millions of Dollars of Profit by Buying Chewing Gum from Russia

The Statue of Liberty is a gift from France.

The Statue of Liberty

The Statue of Liberty, sent as a gift by France to celebrate French-American friendship in 1886, is a gift not only to the United States but also to the United States. one of the iconic symbols of the world someone.

From light bulbs to potato chips, there are things that are American inventions.

america inventions

From America, which is considered the center of global inventions; computer, mobile phone, airplane, internet, digital camera, credit card, microprocessor, dishwasher and washing machine, airplane, potato, light bulb, e-mail, GPS, speaker Inventions like these have emerged.

There are many museums that can be visited for free.

museums of america

When you go to America, you can visit many museums for free. in the capital Washington Museums located on the National Mall, An incredible resource on American history and culture. It is possible to visit not only history but also museums about the space shuttle or dinosaurs for free.

It hosts the second largest and most important library in the world.

america library of congress

The Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. is more than just a library. the world’s largest treasure trove of information It is accepted as. With over 167 million items, this library is the first stop for those looking for information on any subject.

The library is not just a huge building full of books, it is also 5.5 million maps, It contains over 6 thousand cartoon magazines, 70 million manuscripts, rare works, musical recordings and much more. This library is a place that will take your passion for knowledge to a new level.

The music center of the world.

When we look at the most listened to music in the world, you can see that it comes from America. Jazzrock ‘n’ roll, hip-hop, country, folk, R&B, soul and gospel can be listed among these.

Americans eat about 100 acres of pizza every day.

america fast food

Although pizza is the famous taste of Italy, it is certain that America prefers it more. That means 100 acres of pizza 9 out of 10 Americans It could mean he ate pizza. Looking at these data, it is not difficult to understand why obesity is high in the country.

While we’re on the subject, let’s give some more information. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, any in the United States 84.8 million people consume fast food a day. Crazy!

It has the highest prison population in the world.

in america 629 prisoners per 100 thousand people is falling. These figures make America the country with the highest prison population in the world. One of the factors that increases these numbers is the obligation of a person to remain in prison until the verdict is given, even if a person is acquitted of the crime.

There are health systems that are out of control.

american healthcare system

The fact that you have to pay a lot of money even to go to the emergency room in this country shows what a nightmare the healthcare systems are. sick in the USA You can spend your savings on recovery. Many items, from medicine to long-term care, are at a level that can drive people into bankruptcy.


Why is the Healthcare Sector So Expensive in America? Even a simple examination costs 150 dollars!

Cancer kills fewer American children than firearms.

america armament

When we look at child mortality rates in the USA, unfortunately, armament is the second cause of death. 3 thousand 143 children in 2016He died from gun-related deaths.

Public transport systems are in very bad condition.

america public transportation

Outside of major cities, the public transportation system in the country is not what you think. Although the highways are in good condition, considering that generally everyone drives a car Public transport is just as bad.

You should also check out these other interesting facts about the United States:

  • It is the country that has received the most awards in all Nobel Prizes except the field of literature.
  • Some states have more cows than people.
  • American athletes have won more Olympic medals than athletes from any other country.
  • It is the third most preferred country by tourists in the world.
  • Pentagon, headquarters of the Department of Defense, with floor area The world’s largest office building.
  • The country with the most billionaires in the world. The total wealth is 4.5 trillion dollars.
  • The only country to set foot on the moon.
  • American Declaration of Independenceone of the most widely disseminated and published documents in early American history.
  • Las Vegas is considered the gambling capital of the world.
  • HarvardIt was founded in 1636 as the first university in the USA.
  • There are more than 5700 universities in the country.
  • With a consumption of 20.48 million barrels per day the world’s largest oil consumer.
  • It is one of the three countries that did not switch to the metric system. Other countries are Liberia and Myanmar.
  • One in four hurricanes in the world occur in the United States.

Our other content where we cover many aspects of America:


Unique Features of the Doomsday Plane Designed by America to Escape from Major Disasters: It’s Worth 3.5 Billion Dollars!


Is the jury system, an indispensable part of American movie scenes, really fair?


Why is there such a gap in front of toilet bowls in America? Moreover, this is not the only difference from ours!


What is the Secret of These Giant Barcode-like Symbols Seen in America? Moreover, it is available in every state!


When You Learned About America’s Strange Law Regarding Repossessed Cars, “Good Luck It Doesn’t Exist in Turkey!” you will say


Your Heart Will Hurt When You Learn the Subtle Reasons for the Whipping Punishments Performed at These Poles in America!


Why is America on the Left and Not on the Right on the World Map?


Why Was the “Pixelated” Camouflage Pattern That the US Army Spended Its Fortune on a Big Mistake?


What is the purpose of the chicken farms that the US government hides from everyone?

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